Hello guys, Been working on Improving the two hand mechanics, bug fixing and input remapping based on feedback received during the week. The change is very substantial and i think it's an improvement, shooting is indeed harder and that makes it more enjoyable. [h1]Dedicated Servers[/h1] Dedicated server are now up 24/7, player base is still low but i encourage you to try it regardless. [h1]Play Tests Rescheduled[/h1] New play tests will be hosted every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, this will allow me to have enough time to build and deploy patches for you to test out Europe 6pm to 7pm CET (Frankfurt) America/US 7pm to 8pm CST (CT) Yes, twice a day. Europe-based dedicated servers are coming next Sunday or Wednesday (at last) for better latency. UPDATE: European servers are live [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] 0.8.8 - Added two hand aiming - Changed two hand bind to GRIP - Two hand support for shotgun and smg - Increased weapon accuracy - Dedicated servers 24/7 - Fixed two-hand jittering and IK solving issues - Fixed bots replacing leaving players - Fixed floating weapons (partially) - Fixed room scale issue 0.8.7 - Fixed OOB Locomotion being enabled regardless of settings value - Fixed Steam Avatars not showing - Added patch notes UI - More ammo per spawn - Temporaly removed rifle drop if shooting one handed (except sniper) - Removed bots from online play - Voice chat is temporaly global Thanks for the feedback ːsteamhappyː and keep it coming!