Hello guys! [h1]Roadmap[/h1] I've created a [url=https://trello.com/b/B8hXAd8d]roadmap [/url] with the intention of having more community involvement, to show what's is planned, what am i working on right now and a way for you to express what would you like to get implemented next (by voting on cards) Cards are roughly ordered in the way they'll get implemented next from top to bottom. [h1]Discord[/h1] Im now actively on discord http://steamcommunity.com/app/555160/discussions/0/144512753469776924/ [h1]Online Play Testing[/h1] Join us this next saturday! http://steamcommunity.com/app/555160/discussions/0/144512753470220583/ Many thanks to Zigg that has volunteered to help out in the community aspects of the game! Cheers! ːsteamhappyː