Greetings again, Neverwinter Nights players! Thank you for all your feedback on the last patch. Engineers from the NWN community worked hard and released a hotfix to reported issues. [h3]Fixed[/h3] [list][*] Fixed client AoEs sometimes adding duplicate objects. [*] Fixed a bug where the client objects appear to be frozen in place until the game is restarted. [*] Fixed learning a stacked scroll making the remainder of the stack unusable. [*] Fixed a crash that happens after several loadscreens on some Linux systems. [*] Fixed the bug report message pointing at the wrong URL. [*] Fixed the MacOS binaries not containing the aarch64 build. [*] Fixed screen capture tools like OBS and Steam not being able to read the full framebuffer content. [/list] [h3]Changed[/h3] [list][*] Improved the AV warn message. [*] Reverted movement teleport fix because it was resulting in jerky WASD movement for some players. [/list] [h3]Known issues/Workarounds[/h3] [list][*] If you see weird glow or texture flickering, turn HDR bloom off. [*] On Linux+Mesa only, set the env var `force_gl_names_reuse=true` before launching the game to work around various performance issues. See for details. [/list]