More fixes incoming! [list] [*] Adjusted player module values, and adjusted boss health and attack power [*] Fixed a bug where Challenge Level’s Level Achievement could be repeatedly achieved and reset [*] Fixed a bug where players could use the mouse to purchase locked modules [*] Fixed an issue where Molter could get stuck when repairing armor, where repeated destruction points prevented triggering, and some visual effects playback issues [*] Fixed a bug where Spin Slash could trigger twice under certain conditions [*] Fixed a bug where Berserker would continue attacking during the Phase 2 cutscene [*] Fixed an issue where Kurozan had unusually long idle times, and significantly adjusted its behavior and various details, making it more challenging [*] Removed the invincibility time from Commander’s grab ability [*] Adjusted some timing and recoil parameters for player’s Charge Attack [*] Fixed an issue where some buttons on the NS Pro controller couldn’t be bound [/list]