Bugfixes: Fixed the bug where the commander stops acting after entering the second phase. Fixed the bug where the commander's wreckage appears above Anita. Fixed the bug where hacked drone are not destroyed after the commander is defeated. Balancing: Adjusted the frequency and damage of Anita's light attacks. Adjusted and weakened some visual effects. Adjusted the commander's combat experience. Player data gathering (Opt-in): Added a feature to collect gameplay information. (This allows developers to adjust the experience, and players can choose whether to send information at the start interface.) 1) 修正指揮官進入二階後有機會不再行動的錯誤 2) 修正指揮官的殘骸顯示在主角之上的錯誤 3) 修正指揮官戰敗後友方浮游炮沒有摧毀的錯誤 4) 調整主角的輕攻擊頻率和傷害 5) 調整並減弱部份視覺表現 6) 調整指揮官的戰鬥體驗 7) 新增收集遊玩資訊的功能 (供開發者調整體驗用, 玩家可以在起始介面選擇是否回傳資訊)