Hello everyone! The live version got updated to v1.0.0.8. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ad5a520ff892afe53d94d369ed41191b6caac6ef.png[/img] [list] [*] Items sorting in inventory and during trading/transferring. [*] "Holding ""F"" or ""X"" changes people's needs in whole category" [*] Custom name for animals [*] Key binding now recognizes mouse buttons. [*] Checking the size of all saves in saves folder. [*] Over 40 new random places generated on the map [*] Game mode setting for stopping dropped food from spoiling [*] Slight camera shakes when using tools or hitting objects [*] Added option to disable camera shakes in gameplay settings [*] Added option to disable character's breathing in gameplay settings [*] New dialogue sounds (69 new voice colors): Farewell, first time greeting, Greeting, Vendor [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ce731c2491c0f2391442fc4636b5f8dca5f13368.png[/img] [list] [*] Changed the way the achievements are written, this should hopefully lower the possibility of achievement writing fail, which prevented any other achievement to be obtained until the game restarts. [*] Waterskin with Water is a lot cheaper than regular waterskin. [*] Player can talk to NPC after removing NPC from the village [*] Some cases where NPCs sleep on the floor [*] Some cases where the workstations work on their own [*] Some cases where the NPC gets up from the bench and the player catches him to talk, the NPC runs away [*] Racimir can move in with other women without being married to them [*] The starting health and damage options don't affect bandits [*] Mount no longer spawns from the ground when summoned of assigned to building [*] Player is adjusting his rotation properly now when riding on donkey [*] Weight of Wooden Vial is too high [*] Wooden gate had wrong texture. [*] Incorrect warning when placing a Fishing Hut on uneven ground. [*] Wrong setting name for "Korean" [*] In some languages text is chopped when giving gift to Females [*] Sometimes dismount action key bind is missing [*] Wrong expiration time in journal [*] Dropped milk when turns to sour milk loses all capacity [*] Displayed numbers of potion effects (stamina, food, water) are not correct [*] No lighting in door module for residential buildings. [*] Clay deposit looks wrong in winter. [*] The fruit on the fruit trees did not react to the wind. [*] Cases where the AI is unable to enter a building have been reduced. [*] NPCs animations sometimes pause when they are standing looking at a bench, chair or workbench, until they finally start interacting [*] Stubborn horses not walking out from the stable, wanting to cuddle with other horses and do important horse stuff like discussing world domination. [*] Horses walking really slow in some cases [*] Foal movement animations do not match their movement speed [*] Gates have wrong notification when trying to place them in unavailable spot [*] Dismount action is not assigned to any key after resetting key binds to default. [*] Items are not assigned to the heir when player transfers to heir on death [*] Player switch to tool holding pose even though empty quick slot was selected [*] Transition animations being interrupted causing weird stuttering [*] Crossbow changing position in player hands when stopping during crouching and aiming [*] Throwing Rock damage not being affected by the "pull strength" [*] Rocks attaching to fish when fish is killed. [*] Player tool animation not being interrupted on season skip [*] Gates affecting NPCs path preference - they could choose a longer path instead of going through the gate [*] Bandits floating dead in some cases (What sinister magic was at work here?) [*] Challenges ending too soon [*] Once a field has been destroyed by an event, it cannot be re-ploughed. [*] Ploughing the field when an NPC is collecting resources from them would revert the field to a state as if the resources were just collected [*] NPC collecting crops from fields (adding to storage) that the player has already collected [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/38afb1f8ffa8671aa495fac9087cbf3fd967f259.png[/img] [list] [*] Head bobbing algorithm improvements [*] Snow improvements on bridges, stairs and planks. [*] Numerous improvements in post-processing [*] The duration of the day has been lengthened and the night shortened. [*] The length of the day depends on the season. [*] Gates now open wider. [*] Gates can now be placed on player's roads. [*] Further animal IK improvements [*] Quests now can be untracked (Chapters cannot be untracked) [*] If text in options will be too long, then there will be sliding animation [*] Equipped or assigned items will not be taken from player in deliver quests [*] Sorting now sorts all items together without division to categories [*] Updated system for key binding, now it's possible to change bound key for every action. [*] Quickslots for some keyboard layouts now must be remapped manually in key bind menu [*] Removed odd white lines in scroll bars [*] Rendering optimizations [*] Horse animation transitions are now smoother while accelerating [*] Time left for objective is now not visible if objective is done [*] Seasons left for quest to complete is now not visible if quest is completed or failed [*] Default framerate set to 60 [*] Improved snapping NPCs to interaction points [*] Turn in place animation speed and angles [*] Throwable rock damage changed to 5 instead of 10 [*] German updated [*] Polish updated [*] Dutch updated [*] Swedish updated [*] Russian updated [/list]