Hello everyone! We hope you enjoy summer, beach, and icy drinks? And some of you, we haphazardly assume, are eagerly waiting for the Heir Update scheduled for Q2, aren’t you? Well, in all its massiveness, it is almost done, however, the keyword is “almost”. We do require a bit more time to roll it out. We are working hard on the console versions as well as the update and as you know us, quality is paramount to us so it takes a bit more time to finalize the update. But don’t worry. We’re not talking a big lapse of time, but a minor offset into Q3. Please indulge us for this slight inconvenience. The update will make up for it, earnestly! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/c750d3e853cf09c429a18c36f45c7eb3546e1641.png[/img] We’ll talk soon, when we present to you the winners of the Medieval Dynasty Calendar Contest 2022. Time goes by (too) fast! The teams of Render Cube and Toplitz Productions!