Hello Village Elders! The time has come! You hold in your hands: the Heir Update. Remember in the game? You have a house; you look at it and then ask if you could still extend it. We felt the same way, so we took the tools in our hands. We figuratively sawed, filed, sanded and, hammered - and the game got bigger and bigger. Before the Heir update, Medieval Dynasty had about 75,000 words of text. That's roughly the equivalent of a 250-page book. Now we're close to 120,000 words of text. It took a while to manoeuvre this huge update into the valley, but it's finally here! [previewyoutube=_xvRuV1X7CI;full][/previewyoutube] Let us know what you think about the update! Tell us about your heir! As always, feel free to post below in the comments or on our social media channels. Have fun playing and talk soon! The teams of Render Cube and Toplitz Productions [b]PS: Some languages are still work in progress and will be updated later![/b] [h3]Update Notes[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ad5a520ff892afe53d94d369ed41191b6caac6ef.png[/img] [list] [*] New building - Donkey Shelter (Available early in the village development). [*] Fast travel - Waggoners around villages (Between villages). [*] New items - Toys (Available from vendors). [*] Possibility of giving gifts to children. [*] Player can change to heir, if heir is already an adult, through dialogue (irreversible). [*] Teenage Apprentices - Possibility of assigning teenagers in work buildings (Age: 14-18). [*] Ceremonial Hair-Cutting event when the Heir reaches the age of seven. [*] Four personalities for Son. [*] Family Quests for Son and Wife. [*] Family Small talk. [*] New greetings for players family. [*] Six unique quest NPC's available to add to your village. [*] Possibility of upgrading modules in non-residential buildings. [*] Possibility of drinking directly from the well. [*] Possibility of collecting eggs and feathers from nests in the Henhouse and Goose House. [*] Possibility of collecting honeycombs from the hives in the Apiary. [*] Possibility of collecting manure in some of the animal buildings. [*] New status indicating the number of unhappy inhabitants. [*] New status indicating the number of active assignments in production whose progress has been stopped due to problems. [*] New status indicating the number of active assignments in trading whose progress has been stopped due to problems. [*] Special notifications when wife or heir leaves us due to mood, affection, or death. [*] Players can now pick one of three steering types for gamepad. [*] Gamepad Vibrations. [*] New heads and hairs for player's heirs. [*] New animations for toddlers and kids - Playing with Toys [*] New animations for mothers with infants. [*] New sounds for lynx and wolf - very long-distance calling. It will be easier to track down these two types of animals. [*] Long distance sounds for rooster. [*] Sounds for many NPCs idle animations. [*] Sounds for gates. [*] Sounds of crying infant. [*] Sounds for building and destroying roads, fences, gates, furniture. [*] Reverbs in caves and buildings. [*] Foliage interaction with player and mount. [*] An equalizer that simulates natural resonance for sounds in buildings and caves, combined with reverberation it enhances the effect of being in the room. [*] Donkey reins. [*] Classical gamepad steering in control options (default for players that played before this patch). [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ce731c2491c0f2391442fc4636b5f8dca5f13368.png[/img] [list] [*] Not all items being picked up after skinning an animal. [*] Slightly enraged animals sometimes chased people to the end of the map. [*] The number of animals in spawners sometimes loaded incorrectly causing more animals to spawn than there should be. [*] Foal with broken textures. [*] Low-quality infant geometry. [*] Production buildings show as houses on the map screen. [*] Lack of husbandry buildings in the map legend. [*] Events sometimes affecting wrong NPC's. [*] Events don't destroy fields and orchards. [*] An unarmed trap still catches animals. [*] Player will not be able to ask the exotic goods vendor on the exotic goods vendor whereabouts. [*] Single NPC can't swap houses with the player living alone. [*] Sometimes gift vendors sit in quite weird positions. [*] Bandits can't shoot a crossbow. [*] NPCs get stuck in the floor. [*] If a player's wife leaves the village because of low affection, she may take the child with her or leave him with the father (player), depending on the child's affection. [*] Candles after loading a saved game had no flames. [*] Candles remain lighted during the day. [*] Food Storage does not give an "empty chest first" warning if destroyed. [*] A Mine doesn't block the possibility of placing another Mine for the same cave. [*] No notification of the lack of animals needed for the production of goods in production buildings. [*] Free up workbench appearing when ending crafting. [*] Visible building name in inspector mode during placement. [*] Double names in interaction with gates. [*] Decorations block doors. [*] Resource deposits do not reset the mining progression when the season changes. [*] Seats don't display names in inspector mode. [*] The names of objects in inspector mode sometimes remain visible after exiting inspector mode. [*] The achievement for giving gifts to the wife sometimes doesn't complete. [*] Building type names doesn't match those from main building management tab. [*] In death menu "Load" button is always highlighted. [*] Keyboard inputs are not named properly when entering NPC details through dialogue. [*] Displayed value of alcohol reduction is not correct with "Headstrong" talent. [*] Player when accessing NPC details through dialogue can open building's details which results in closing the UI. [*] Mood indicator in dialogues doesn't update values. [*] The heir's hair shows through the headgear. [*] Wrong position of infants on management map. [*] Several roads are missing on the map. [*] Building details are not updated correctly when changing production power or trading. [*] Updating building doesn't update warning count in management. [*] Sometimes food doesn't spoil when its freshness goes down to 0%. [*] Bogdan doesn't give money to the player and Fenenna doesn't take it away. [*] Production of bronze hammers gives too little value to the technology. [*] Player is able to place waypoint outside of map boundaries. [*] Game menu can't be closed with "start" button on gamepad. [*] Riding animations for player, donkey, and horse not responding correctly to walking into objects. [*] Toddlers not using certain idle animations. [*] NPCs eating and drinking animations looping. [*] Teenagers using oversized mugs for drinking. [*] Two cases when falling tree sounds could loop endlessly. [*] Player sometimes holding torch in his belly when on a mount. [*] Error when selling the last animal from the building. [*] Some cases where recruited NPCs stop along the way and don't go to the player's village. [*] Experimental optimization for several UIs has caused some bugs. [*] Drinking from workbenches. [*] No small talk with villagers. [*] Player camera rotation in third person after crossing map border. [*] Mount rotation after crossing map border. [*] Horse moves forward without any input after crossing map border. [*] Mount stuttering when mounting after putting the mount in engage state. [*] Wrong camera rotation in first person perspective when turning on mount. [*] Can't move mounted after loading a save game that was saved in the middle of a mounted jump. [*] Frequently jumping on horses causes a mount into the running animation while not moving. [*] The special mount animation is not being played smoothly. [*] Bear slides on the ground when walking. [*] Controller vibrations are always on, even if disabled in settings. [*] Wind on trees in orchards [*] Nikola not having small talk dialogues [*] Apprentices are removed from buildings with the maximum number of workers after loading a game save [*] Player can switch to heiress in dialogue with player's daughter (in the old save game) [*] Wind on trees in orchards. [*] Nikola not having small talk dialogues. [*] Apprentices are removed from buildings with the maximum number of workers after loading a game save. [*] Player can switch to heiress in dialogue with player's daughter (in the old save game). [*] Change player's heiresses to heirs when loading a game save. [*] Master Angler quest - Roland sitting in the air. [*] NPC walking continuously towards occupied seat. [*] Bandits sitting without proper furniture. [*] Sliding animals while laying. [*] The interaction when gathering sticks could cancel itself when trying to gather. [*] Quest's NPC behavior in "The Master Angler" quest. [*] When sprinting is set on in the toggle the player would still sprint even after stopping. [*] Reloading the Crossbow sometimes is getting stuck in third person. [*] The hit animation overwrites the running animation for mounts in case a mount receives damage while moving. [*] Problem with the audio volume in-game. [*] The empathy skill is not showing the personality. [*] Toy for a boy requires an inaccessible item. [*] Delayed notifications are not being shown. [*] The area talk marker is blinking on the compass. [*] Trader slots do not react on double click. [*] The player can open the hammer menu while the tutorial is open. [*] The dialogue fade event is muting the audio. [*] Radial menus don’t update the icon for gamepad input. [*] Selecting a child’s name doesn't have gamepad inputs. [*] Special items can be seen in knowledge. [*] Possibility of bandits not playing attack animation. [*] Some quest items showing up in market stall. [*] Some special recruitable NPCs didn't have all their dialogues. [*] "assign worker" text instead of "assign apprentice". [*] Incorrect height of the worker list in building's details. [*] Special quest NPCs can have generic quests. [*] Being able to open game menu during the loading screen. [*] Invalid bandit attack animation duration. [*] Autorun not working with sprint on toggle. [*] NPCs clothes should be less likely to flicker. [*] Working NPCs hide their tools before the end of the animation. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/38afb1f8ffa8671aa495fac9087cbf3fd967f259.png[/img] [list] [*] Rendering optimisations. [*] Optimisation of some systems. [*] Lighting improvements. [*] Improved water quality on low settings. [*] House decoration system (Division into exterior and interior decoration, more slots). [*] Reworked wind system. [*] Bandits AI. [*] Default gamepad steering has changed. [*] Reworked models of the signposts. [*] More signs along roads. [*] Reworked model of the Bear. [*] Optimisations and visual improvements to all animals. [*] Increased smoothness of movement for animals and people. [*] Optimisation of loading game saves. [*] Reworked models of the Food Storage building modules. [*] Reworked models of the Henhouse building modules. [*] Reworked models of the Pigsty building modules. [*] Reworked models of the Hunting Lodge building modules. [*] Reworked models of the Stable building modules. [*] Reworked models of the Smithy building modules. [*] Reworked models of the Sewing building modules. [*] Some of the buildings in villages have improved walls. [*] Reworked icons and meshes of some items. [*] Increased number of skill and technology points from hunting dangerous animals. [*] Increased influence of home quality and insulation on inhabitant mood levels. [*] Decorations in houses increase the mood of the inhabitants. [*] Mood of workers affects the speed of production (from Mood: -100% = Production speed: -20%, to Mood: 100% = Production speed: +20%). [*] Mood of workers affects the speed of trading (from Mood: -100% = Trading speed: -20%, to Mood: 100% = Trading speed: +20%). [*] Mood of workers affects the speed of buildings repairing (from Mood: -100% = Repairing speed: -20%, to Mood: 100% = Repairing speed: +20%). [*] NPCs don't work at workbenches if production is lacking resources, tools, etc. [*] Player's dirtiness now has a chance of poisoning the character while eating. [*] Water in lakes influences the perceived temperature. [*] The storage capacity limit in Kitchen II has been increased. [*] Hens produce more eggs and fewer feathers. [*] Geese produce more feathers and fewer eggs. [*] Only horses can be assigned to the stable (If donkeys were assigned in the saved game state they will remain). [*] Delay for horse whistling. [*] Hen house now requires 50 farming technology and pigsty 100 farming technology. [*] Attacking with fists can now be done by holding attack button same as with other tools. [*] Smooth sprint speed change when encumbered instead of blocking opportunities. [*] Running in water is possible. [*] Tweaked character jump. [*] Changed animation behaviour when jumping on mount. [*] Reduced character fall damage. [*] Fist fighting animation when sprinting in TP. [*] Improved torch fire. [*] Road signs, some fences and gates don't collide with the camera in TP. [*] Herald now reacts to player being dirty or drunk like others. [*] Herald dialogues now have icons. [*] Arrows from all bows can be now shot earlier. [*] Longbow is now 30% slower than regular bow (up from 50%). [*] Recurve bow is now 30% faster than regular bow (down from 50%). [*] Camera shake intensity for building hammer, pickaxe. [*] Numerous tweaks and improvements to the terrain. [*] Numerous snow improvements on terrain, buildings, and other objects. [*] Quest "Mouths to feed" now requires fish meat instead of berries. [*] Chapter's II hunt quest now passes after hunting any animal (fish and birds are included). [*] Generic kid quests can now be only assigned to children other than the player's kid. [*] When heir is born no events will trigger in this season. [*] Building Menu descriptions updated. [*] Item descriptions updated. [*] Experimental optimization for several UIs (Inventory, trading menu, NPC management, field management). [*] Knowledge updated and expanded. [*] Several UI text lines corrected and updated. [*] Icons for statuses in the HUD. [*] Infant is no longer visible on compass. [*] Notifications about missing workers and animals are from now on only visible if the building has any assignments. [*] Game settings got divided to game settings and control settings. [*] Knowledge description now scroll automatically if player uses gamepad. [*] Tutorials now scroll automatically if player uses gamepad. [*] Tutorial videos now have inputs matching controller type (mouse + keyboard, PS4, PS5, Xbox) and all tutorial videos were updated. [*] NPC details' family part now displays relation type with family members and shows siblings, grandparents, and grandchildren. [*] Now anytime player changes home assignment for an NPC there is a notification (earlier it was only if family had more than one member). [*] Player now can't change language outside of main menu. [*] All sounds have occlusion now - occlusion is to simulate the effect of sound being reduced in high-frequency content and/or amplitude because of an object being between the source and the listener. [*] Broom sounds will attenuate more natural. [*] Reverb to sounds of flail. [*] The player can no longer dismount in the air. [*] The player can no longer turn during stopping animation. [*] Using jump or mount special now interrupts dismounting. [*] Mount movement when playing on a gamepad. [*] Waggoners positions. [*] Wind improvements. [*] Object highlight colours in inspector mode. [*] Object highlight colours in inspector mode. [*] Family quests now grant a Dynasty Reputation as well as an Affection bonus for your Wife or Heir. [*] Rejecting the family quest may now result in an Affection penalty. [*] Increased Dynasty Reputation penalty for failing different Quests and Challenges. [*] Increased Dynasty Reputation bonus for completing the Challenges. [*] Gifting Toys to your son now grants an Affection bonus. [*] Gifting Toys to your villagers’ children now grants a Dynasty Reputation bonus. [*] Improved mount feet placement on slopes. [*] Heir's ceremonial hair-cutting increases your Dynasty Reputation. [*] Heir does not lose the Affection on his own anymore. [*] Generic side quests can no longer be assigned to player's family. [*] If goal is not completed but objective is completed the goal will be grey in journal to match other goals. [*] Czech language. [*] German language. [*] Spanish language. [*] French language. [*] Swedish language. [*] Turkish language. [*] Chinese simplified language. [*] Polish language. [*] Portuguese language. [*] Russian language. [*] Ukrainian language. [/list]