Hello! We have an update for the test branch, including higher building limits and much more! [h3]How to join the test branch?[/h3] Some of you probably have not done this before, so we have a small guide: [b]Prerequisite:[/b] You must have Medieval Dynasty in your library – obviously. [b]The procedure[/b] [list] [*]Open your game library. [*]Right Click on Medieval Dynasty there. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/8bc173d815d0b0d381841d13445c3de1d40b42b6.jpg[/img] [*]Open properties. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/248a195d609cae5f11facbaedcc7418ebb41af1b.jpg[/img] [*]Select the tab "BETAS". [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/9bf6b56d9e00ac396e50a959cfb004c59144ceaf.jpg[/img] [*]Enter this password below the dropdown in the field: [/list] 3v491vMVZnvp3 [list] [*]Press CHECK CODE [*]Use the drop down and select “public_beta - Public Beta Branch”*. [*]Press Close [/list] Steam should now download this version of the game. [b]IMPORTANT! PLEASE SAVE YOUR LIVE VERSION SAVES GAME BEFORE ACCESSING THE BETA BRANCH![/b] Just in case something goes awry! Saves can be found here: AppData > Local > Medieval_Dynasty > Saved > SaveGames *Steam labels those builds as "beta"(see bullet points), so do not be too confused! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ad5a520ff892afe53d94d369ed41191b6caac6ef.png[/img] [list] [*] New building - Market Stall. [*] New profession - Store Keeper. [*] New wild animal - Lynx. [*] New Flirting system. [*] New greeting dialogues. [*] New dialogues for NPCs with different ages. [*] New cutscene for the wedding. [*] 20 new items - Gifts. [*] New weapon - Wooden Crossbow. [*] A new type of traveling merchant that sells exotic items - Gifts (Appears every season in one of the villages with a tavern). [*] New feature in dialogues - Giving gifts. (One per season) [*] New feature in dialogues - Wife's reactions to the state of the player's character. [*] New feature in dialogues - The wife can give information to Herold on collecting enough resources to complete the challenge. [*] New feature in dialogues - The wife can pass on taxes and debts. [*] New feature in dialogues - The chance of a player's child finding and gifting a random item. [*] New feature in dialogues - NPCs can point to the location of different vendors. [*] New feature in dialogues - NPCs can point to the location of different farm animals (to buy). [*] New feature in dialogues - Rumours. (Wife's additional dialogue lines) [*] New feature in dialogues - NPCs do not want to talk if the character is dirty. [*] New sounds for the forest rain. [*] New feature - naming Fields, Orchards and Buildings. [*] 26 new generatable places on the map. [*] Hover effects on clickable UI elements. [*] New label in building details that allows player to check what is stored in this building. [*] Acceptation pop up when increasing skill level. [*] Boar warning animation. [*] Wolf warning animation. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ce731c2491c0f2391442fc4636b5f8dca5f13368.png[/img] [list] [*] If the player has only orchards, loading the game does not assign orchards to the Barn. [*] Collecting Hops by NPCs. [*] Family relationships if an NPC died or was banished from the village. [*] Family relationships when changing to an Heir. [*] If an NPC wants to leave the village while talking to the player, the NPC will leave, and the player will stay in dialogue. [*] Sometimes the NPC after getting up from the bench would stay and wait in a spot by the bench. [*] NPCs (AI) are working if there are no right tools in the building. [*] Setting the player's wife's affection after marriage. [*] Some texts in the buttons have the wrong colour. [*] The aquatic vegetation does not change colour according to the season. [*] Wrong colouring of condition in workplace/house slot. [*] Double clicks in some cases do not update visible inputs. [*] In assignment menus some slots are partially cropped if list is too long. [*] Incorrect labels for professions in assignment menus. [*] Some of the soups do not satisfy thirst. [*] Some of the statuses of buildings, people and animals are not displayed. [*] Removing player's wife from the village makes children not present in the management. [*] If last NPC on the management list is removed then all NPCs are highlighted. [*] In UI there is a little invisible element that prevents clicking around the centre of the screen. [*] Inputs do not refresh when in building details tabs are changed with a mouse click. [*] "Open details" input instead of "show/hide list" when management organiser is selected. [*] "Remove" input is not visible when closing NPC details. [*] Sometimes scroll bar in building details is visible even if there is still place for adding worker to the building. [*] The change house button does not disappear once the player already owns the house. [*] Returning to previous selection in NPC assignment when selecting NPC for work results in unhighlighting preferred skill. [*] If skill is at max level the input for increase level is still visible. [*] Building status does not update on increase/decrease work intensity. [*] Marrying an NPC from player's village has a pop up about new villager. [*] Radial menus updating constantly instead of on change. (Warning: This can result in significant fps drop e.g., during seed selection) [*] Unassigning animal or NPC from building does not refresh building status. [*] Background for acceptation and slider pop ups are not filling the whole screen. [*] Button for transferring to mount is visible even if there is no item to transfer. [*] Input for transferring stack is visible even if there is no item to transfer. [*] Selection blinking when the player is selecting dialogue option with a mouse. [*] Pressing "tab" during skill acceptation or removing/relocating NPC family results in closing the whole UI instead of accepting pop up. [*] Cursor in the radial menus jumps around when going from main section to sub sections of the menu. [*] NPC icons on map in Management window are slimmer. [*] When the production of an item is greater than 180 pieces per hour then the workers receive less skill points. [*] When the production of an item is greater than 180 pieces per hour, the less resources are collected from the stores. [*] Rabbit is changing behaviour to the incorrect when scared by the nearby player. [*] Rabbit is setting its speed incorrectly when fleeing. [*] Wolf and Boar flee too quickly when chasing the Player. [*] Bear is not hitting the player when he should during standing attack animation. [*] The Rooster is too loud and crowed too often. [*] Minor description changes and fixes. [*] Some of the animal spawners cannot be activated. [*] Names of some farm animals. [*] No snow on the mountains in the map background. [*] In the caves the models load too late resulting in visible holes in the terrain. [*] Going to bed at the end of the season triggers a double change of season. [*] Fall damage is miscalculated. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/38afb1f8ffa8671aa495fac9087cbf3fd967f259.png[/img] [list] [*] Animals will now try to warn the player before the attack, giving a chance to escape unless the player attacks them or gets too close. [*] If the player escapes into the building while being chased, the animal will disengage and return to its starting location. [*] If the player attacks an animal during disengagement the animal will attack again and follow the player into the building this time. [*] Animals will no longer attack the player in building unless provoked. [*] Changed how hit detection is handled for animals when attacking. [*] Wolf fleeing behaviour when scared by a torch. [*] Improved shader for hair. [*] Improved 3D model of a Woodshed. [*] "Numerous changes in the vegetation and shape of the shorelines of lakes and streams. " [*] Some of the generated places on the map have been moved to another location. [*] Some of the generated places on the map have new items. [*] Each village can have a maximum of 3 NPCs to recruit. [*] Improved avoidance of NPCs sitting, talking, and working at workbenches by other NPCs. [*] Player can talk with a Wife at night. [*] Player can talk with toddlers. [*] Improved NPC rotation when sitting and working at workbenches. [*] NPCs can change activities in the morning. [*] NPCs can use the sickle to cut crops in the field. [*] Farmers need tools to work in the field. [*] NPCs use tools (hold in their hands) exactly as the building took from storage. [*] NPCs in neighbouring villages die of old age. [*] In neighbouring villages, new families appear over time. [*] Reset NPCs dialogue parameters after switching to the Heir. [*] If the player's wife's affection drops to 0, the Wife (and no adult children) will leave the village. [*] Workbenches now lit automatically when player starts interaction with them (Stove, Forge, Grates). [*] The possibility to build outside the area of the available map has been blocked. [*] Villagers require food and wood only during working hours (8:00-18:00). (10 hours instead of 24 hours) [*] The display range of Wood values has been changed from 0 - 1 to 0 - 100. [*] Thrown Fishing Spear will now only stick into fish. [*] Projectile damage equation - damage should now be more consistent. [*] People in recruitment no longer require Approval. They only require the appropriate level of Dynasty Reputation. [*] Removed "Loyalty to the crown" challenge. [*] The name of the field and orchard visible in the interaction. [*] Improved readability of building selection in the technology list. [*] The number of objects shown on the lists in the village management window has been increased. [*] The width of the window with details of the selected object in the village management menu has been increased. [*] Production and consumption rate parameters show values per day instead of per hour. [*] The production tab in the building details now shows a summary of production and demand. [*] The display of inhabitant skills in the details window has been improved. [*] Inhabitants in the management window have the currently developed skill highlighted. [*] Display of more statuses in the village management window. [*] In field/orchard management the basic card now displays the actual field/orchard state and there is another tab for setting what NPCs should plant on the field. [*] Fields too far from the Barn have an additional warning. [*] When selecting a profession for an NPC, the required skill is shown. [*] The player icon on the map in the village management window has an additional flashing animation. [*] Visual improvements to the list of skills. [*] Visual improvements to the item list. [*] Animation of the poison level bar in the HUD and inventory. [*] Titles of some management windows have been changed. [*] Changed colouring in trading/transferring for selected item to match look of inventory tab. [*] Reordered parameters on map -> temp, hour, season, year. [*] Now production power is changed per 1% instead of 5%. [*] Holding mouse clicked on the "increase/decrease" button in building's production tab will result in constant increasing/decreasing of production power. [*] Displaying correct storage place and price for the selected item in inventory in item's details. [*] Displaying item's capacity for the selected item in inventory in item's details. [*] Better technology schemes click ability. [*] Showing count of quests on the lists in journal. [*] In dialogue UI the arrows are now indicating whether the NPC's affection has decreased after season change and the rate of decrease. [*] During assignment if player clicks the slot from previous selection, it now returns to focus on that selection. [*] Added notifications for cases when player wants to increase skill level that is not unlocked or when the player does not have required skill point. [*] If building has no worker/inhabitant slots then the number is hidden in radial menu. [*] "No items" text is visible if there are no items in inventory or during transferring/trading. [*] Some items stats balance. [*] Item description is now blank if there is no item instead of being hidden. [*] Updated dialogue icons. [*] Changes in technology requirements. [*] Removing npcs from village or changing house for people now displays list with details of those NPCs. [*] Double click on button on talent tree now increases selected skill level. [*] Precision to one number after comma for HP, Food and Water in player's stats UI. [*] Wood demand depends on the season. In summer, the wood demand is 50% less and in winter 50% more. [*] Scroll for tutorial messages. [*] Items with no food value (such as flour, seeds etc.) will now be stored in resource storage instead of food storage. [*] Every NPC lose affection over time when the player does not speak with them. [*] Changed skill Likeable to Inspiring Speech in Diplomacy Tree. [*] Tax Optimalization skill name changed into Creative Accounting. [*] The way "Empathy" skill works. [*] The process of trying for a baby has been improved. [*] IK behaviour with low FPS. [*] IK updates for various animals and NPCs. [*] Movement speed and animations for rabbits, wolves and deer. [*] Russian language. [*] German language. [*] Hungarian language. [*] Japanese language. [*] Spanish language. [*] Portuguese language. [*] Polish language. [*] Production system optimizations. [*] Save file size optimizations. [*] Increased building limits. [*] Knowledge tab updated. [*] Minor changes in map key descriptions. [*] Minor changes in some crafting wheels descriptions. [/list] Changes made in v0.6.0.1. [b]ADDED[/b] [list] [*] Wolf warning sounds. [*] Warning animation for Lynx and Fox [/list] [b]FIXED[/b] [list] [*] Exotic Goods vendors become regular ownerless NPCs when loading the game. [*] Toddlers sometimes walk away from the player during the conversation. [*] Technology schemes can be bought with mouse even if technology is not unlocked. [*] Exotic Goods vendor has no vendor icon on compass. [*] Pressing quickslot inputs in game menu results in changing weapon when leaving game menu. [*] Animals should now be properly slowed in water. [*] Animals stopping their engaged state too early. [*] Animals are playing a warning animation when they return to the starting location. [/list] [b]UPDATED[/b] [list] [*] Numerous optimizations. [*] The field management window also shows the number of scheduled crops. [*] Hiding HUD also hides crafting progress count and all notifications. [*] Wolves now howl from time to time during idle state instead when start attacking the player. [*] NPCs can change activities in the morning - improvements. [*] Blending for warning animations for Fox, Wolf and Boar. [*] French language. [*] Ukrainian language. [*] Russian language. [/list] The new items in v0.6.0.2 [b]ADDED[/b] [list] - [/list] [b]FIXED[/b] [list] [*] Some items have their production intensity reset when the save file is reloaded. [*] The tool used by production buildings resets when the save file is reloaded. [*] Sewing Hut and Workshop gave few technology points every time on load. [*] When checking what chest contains through building details menu the items are sometimes duplicated. [*] Some neighbors die too early (resurrect after season change) [/list] [b]UPDATED[/b] [list] [*] Optimalization of NPCs [*] German language. [*] Hungarian language. [*] Turkish language. [*] Japanese language. [/list] The new items in v0.6.0.3 [b]ADDED[/b] [list] [*] Warning animation for Wisent and Bear. [*] Boar warning sounds. [/list] [b]FIXED[/b] [list] [*] Missing lumberjack vendor in Lesnica. [*] Failed story quests when NPCs die too early. [*] Wrong animation of sowing from a simple bag for field workers. [*] Wife doesn't show up at home at a certain time after talking about the baby. [*] Farmers don't use seeds and fertilizer when they use a simple bag. [*] Farmers hide a sickle or simple bag when moving from chunk to chunk (with the same field activity). [*] Issue causing wrong textures appearing on hands when taking off gloves. [*] An issue that caused the animals to loop the warning animation if the player enterted a building during warning state. [*] Animation for innkeepers and vendors aren't looping correctly. [*] Loop for innkeeper montages. [*] Some dialogues are cut short in some languages. [/list] [b]UPDATED[/b] [list] [*] Reduced Kaptorga weight. [*] NPCs don't work when production is not set. [*] NPCs are cutting with sickle animation. [*] Polish language. [*] Spanish language. [*] Russian language. [*] Ukrainian language. [/list] The new changes, additions and fixes from v0.6.0.4 [b]ADDED[/b] [list] [*] Bear warning sounds. [*] Fox warning sounds. [*] Giving gifts now also adds diplomacy skill points. [/list] [b]FIXED[/b] [list] [*] Blocked flirting with gift vendors. [*] Same vendors in one village. [*] NPC statuses are not updated out of working hours. [/list] [b]UPDATED[/b] [list] [*] Chinese language. [*] Brazilian language. [*] Swedish language. [*] Dutch language. [*] Polish language. [*] Exotic Goods vendor icon. [/list]