Hello everyone! We’re adding the latest update to the test branch on Steam. [h1][url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/1129580/partnerevents/preview/2922231884593421223]Here is how to access the test branch. [/url][/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ad5a520ff892afe53d94d369ed41191b6caac6ef.png[/img] [list] [*] New building feature - Roads. [*] New sounds for Sheep. [*] New sounds for Stove. [*] New sounds for Cauldron. [*] New sounds for Stone Grate. [*] New sounds for Fire Box. [*] New sounds for Fishing. [*] New draw/shoot sounds for Bows. [*] New language - Simplified Chinese. [*] The inhabitant/building/animal/field remains selected when switching the categories in Management. [*] A selected category in last opened tab (armor, miscellaneous, survival, hunting etc.) is persistent and will be remembered. [*] New indicators for building condition and heating level have been added to the building detail window. [*] NPC comes back to the previous location a few seconds after the player moves it (pushes it). [*] New fishing dedicated weapon - Fishing spear. [*] Three new types of fish added to the existing lakes and rivers (Pike, Roach, Perch). [*] Fishing with spears and other weapons. [*] Notification when assigning/removing animals to/from the building. [*] Knowledge updated with the information about inhabitants' Mood. [*] Notification about player moving into a house. [*] New fishing animations for NPCs. [*] NPCs can fish (fishing hut workers). [*] Acceptations pop up when assigning an NPC to a new home with information about his/her family. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ce731c2491c0f2391442fc4636b5f8dca5f13368.png[/img] [list] [*] Items are not floating in water. [*] Getting dirty does not work when unlimited stamina is on. [*] Progression bug in new game after loading a quick save. [*] Instant finishing hunting part in Alwin's Story part III. [*] Problem with numbering for miscellaneous items, causing wrong items to be sold to the vendor. [*] Approval and Affection are not dropping down in time, causing the recruitable NPCs to never leave the map. [*] The recommended skill in the building details is only visible in production buildings. [*] Visuals for the lists in the Management window. [*] NPC details do not update after assigning/removing home/workplace. [*] Visuals for "Other" category in radial menu. [*] Harvesting cereals does not give experience points. [*] Quicksaving at the edge of map allows to pass the map boundaries. [*] Toddlers are going to the Tavern or sitting. [*] Management lists are not updating when removing something from Management details. [*] No profession is displayed in storage's details. [*] Visual fixes in building details assignments. [*] When trying to assign NPC to a house, on the inhabitant list there are people that can't be assigned. [*] Visuals in Knowledge and Event history. [*] Visuals in Skills. [*] NPCs do not go to work in the morning. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/38afb1f8ffa8671aa495fac9087cbf3fd967f259.png[/img] [list] [*] Increased chance to pair inhabitants. [*] Turkish language. [*] Increased many items buoyancy. [*] New inventory system for better optimization. [*] Inhabitant's Mood level has a new range (-100, 100). [*] Information about adding, removing, or consuming item from inventory also shows the number of items in inventory. [*] Changed the name "Fish" to "Fish Meat". [*] Improved accuracy in detecting plants when harvesting with a scythe. [*] Fishing Nets now provide specific type of fish instead of a fish meat. [*] Changed Coin icon. [*] Game logic optimization. [/list] Updated changelog to v0.2.1.1 [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ad5a520ff892afe53d94d369ed41191b6caac6ef.png[/img] [list] [*] Resolution 3840x1600 added in 21:9 aspect ratio. [*] Reloading sounds for arrows. [*] New hit sounds for arrows. [*] New sounds for flying arrows. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ce731c2491c0f2391442fc4636b5f8dca5f13368.png[/img] [list] [*] House modules have incorrect heat values. [*] Incorrect cost of one of the Hunting Lodge modules. [*] Incorrect cost of one of the Food Storage modules. [*] Medium and Big Fishing Nets catch the wrong fish. [*] Wood need drops to 0 when the building has been fully upgraded. [*] Tool is not spawning in hand if player performs action like skinning. It also may cause a camera bug. [*] Assigning item to occupied quickslot doesn't make the old item to be unassigned. [*] Buying animals is impossible if last opened tab was the Management and last category was other than "Buildings". [*] Player's house is in wrong position on compass. [*] Various bugs with trading and transferring items. [*] Building and destroying Hen House modules has incorrect sounds. [*] Village info shows after every assignment in Management tab. [*] Roads don't remove bushes and stones. [*] Fish are not visible with a Talent for spotting animals. [*] Inaccurate detection of collisions makes it difficult to destroy buildings. [*] Items dropping to minimum freshness and never being removed, but adding various other items. [*] When the torch runs out, it destroys the new one instead of the old one. [*] Notification about removing resources when building fences. [*] After the player dies and switch to heir, the heir's wife and children do not have right references to the heir. [*] Player can't build a Hen House. [*] Sometimes the sound of rain is missing. [*] Lack of Gloves in the Sewing. [*] Sometimes trees fall under the ground. [*] Fish sizes are incorrect. [*] Fish fly over the water. [*] Hunting quests displaying duplicate animals. [*] Small generic quest bugs. [*] Bugs with crafting items that uses resources with capacity (like buckets with water). [*] Picking up buckets with water/milk/spoiled milk results in them being added to selected quickslot. [*] Some schemes in assignments menu aren't locked by the Technology even if the scheme isn't purchased. [*] Some tools condition decrease only once. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/38afb1f8ffa8671aa495fac9087cbf3fd967f259.png[/img] [list] [*] Input holding behaviour regarding how fast the elements can change and total amounts of steps in sliders. [*] Chances of rainy days have been reduced. [*] German language. [*] Rendering optimizations. [*] Added more fish spots. [*] Decription for fishing spear, shovel, torches and fish processing. [/list]