More stuff fixed, added and updated. Let us make this quick: [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Cave mining now increases the Extraction skill instead of the Crafting skill. [*] Removing tree stumps now works with a shovel. Stumps should now be gone permanently. [*] It is impossible to destroy the fence without building at least one module. It is now fixed. [*] NPCs used to stop working in the field when the player did not watch them. They now have a better work morale. [*] If a torch burned out, it decreased the health of (an)other torch(es). This is fixed as well. [*] Fixed the production list in building management showing less items per hour than it produced. [*] Quests where you could deliver items in parts and had to deliver more than one type of item should work properly now. [*] Fixed projectiles like spears, bolts and arrows getting stuck in the air after hitting an animal. [/list] [b]Additions[/b] [list] [*] Added build and destroy sounds. [*] Added the possibility to turn off head bob – Further optimizations to reduce motion sickness are work in progress. [/list] [b]Updates[/b] [list] [*] The size of plants data in the save file has been reduced. [*] Updated the “Digging with shovel” animation. [*] Removed crossbow as an item to deliver from Missing Bow quest. Only for new quests, existing ones still require it. [*] More quests are generated per season. [/list]