A new week brings new fixes and adjustments. [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] The blacksmith sounds should now fade away with distance. [*] Fixed the consummation of seeds in an unplowed field. [*] Fixed collision with the Bird Trap ghost. [*] Animal Overcrowding and Starving Hunter quests are fixed. Might not be fixed if quest was previously accepted. [*] Fixed building and furniture ghosts display [Name] in inspector mode. [*] "Wife's sister living in the player's house" bug. Is fixed now (She returns to her family home). [*] Talking to Sambor and other "speechless" NPCs should now work properly. [*] Fixed an issue changing any settings in graphics options applying new values to setting segments in next line. [*] Tools kept holstering/pulling out during crafting. This issue is fixed. [*] Unlocking the toolshed in Technology is fixed. [*] Torch holstering when crafting is fixed. [*] Fixed workbench tools not showing when switching recipes too quickly. [*] Pine branches gives extraction instead of survival now. [*] Items obtained during quests have the wrong durability. Those are now fixed, but only new items. Those are already in the player inventory are not. [*] Archery Contest quests no longer count arrows that do not hit targets. This is fixed. [*] If Alwin was removed from the game and fixed via patch, he would not have given his quest story. Alwin now will be available to share his quest with you. [*] Fur items require Leather as a resource - Fixed [*] The mouse cursor hides on cancelling key binds. This is fixed. [*] Some talk points don't have a NPC name in the HUD/Journal - Fixed [*] Fixed the incorrect animation playing on the barn workbench table for the player. [*] Tree trunks can no longer removed with fists. Trunks told everyone about the Fight Club! [/list] [b]Additions[/b] [list] [*] Added Field size information. [/list] [b]Updates and Balancing[/b] [list] [*] The fisherman now requires survival skills. [*] Visibility range of chunks in the field in inspector mode is now decreased. [*] Increased Dynasty Reputation points gained from generic quests. On loading a savegame the actual season will laod with the old values. After the next season change the new values will kick in. [*] Lowered Manure cost. [*] Removed the survival crafting category from the Hunting Lodge. [*] Added the Archery crafting category for Workshop + added the Torch to wooden tools. [*] Quest markers are seen above village names. [*] Completing Uniegost's part II will reset all taxes and debts of players. [*] Removing tree stumps with a shovel is work in progress. (Trees grow back after 2 years - Permanent removal under development). [*] Some Polish translation fixes. [/list]