[h3]How to join the test branch?[/h3] Some of you probably have not done this before, so we have a small guide: [b]Prerequisite:[/b] You must have Medieval Dynasty in your library – obviously. [b]The procedure[/b] [list] [*]Open your game library. [*]Right Click on Medieval Dynasty there. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/8bc173d815d0b0d381841d13445c3de1d40b42b6.jpg[/img] [*]Open properties. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/248a195d609cae5f11facbaedcc7418ebb41af1b.jpg[/img] [*]Select the tab "BETAS". [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/9bf6b56d9e00ac396e50a959cfb004c59144ceaf.jpg[/img] [*]Enter this password below the dropdown in the field: [/list] 3v491vMVZnvp3 [list] [*]Press CHECK CODE [*]Use the drop down and select “public_beta - Public Beta Branch”*. [*]Press Close [/list] Steam should now download this version of the game. [b]IMPORTANT! PLEASE SAVE YOUR LIVE VERSION SAVES GAME BEFORE ACCESSING THE BETA BRANCH![/b] Just in case something goes awry! Saves can be found here: AppData > Local > Medieval_Dynasty > Saved > SaveGames *Steam labels those builds as "beta"(see bullet points), so do not be too confused! [h1]The Update Notes[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ad5a520ff892afe53d94d369ed41191b6caac6ef.png[/img] [list] [*] New sounds for Fox. [*] New sounds for Goat and Young Goat. [*] New sounds for Sheep and Lamb. [*] New sounds for Rabbit. [*] New sounds for the Player - drinking, eating, death, hit, stamina, poison, hungry, thirsty, freezing, overheating, drunk. [*] New sounds for Brewing. [*] New sounds for Wine Barrel. [*] New sounds for Wicker. [*] New sounds for Pottery. [*] New Sounds for Wine Press. [*] New building - Apiary. [*] New building - Workshop. [*] New professions - Blacksmith and Beekeeper. [*] New clothing for Beekeeper. [*] New type of fields - Orchards. [*] New type of crops - Poppy. [*] New type of orchard plant - Apple Tree. [*] New type of orchard plant - Cherry Tree. [*] New type of orchard plant - Pear Tree. [*] New type of orchard plant - Plum Tree. [*] New type of orchard plant - Hop. [*] New workbench - Woodworking Table. [*] New workbench - Pottery Wheel. [*] New workbench - Brewing Station. [*] New workbench - Wine Barrel. [*] New workbench - Juice Press. [*] New items for Fields and Orchards - Apple Seedling, Cherry Seedling, Pear Seedling, Plum Seedling, Hop Plant Seedling, Hop, Poppy Seed, Poppy. [*] New items (Juices) - Berry Juice, Apple Juice, Cherry Juice, Pear Juice, Plum Juice. [*] New items (Alcohols) - Berry Wine, Apple Wine, Cherry Wine, Pear Wine, Plum Wine, Mead, Oat Ale, Oat Beer, Rye Beer, Wheat Beer. [*] New items (Bottles) - Beer Bottle, Wine Bottle, Mead Bottle. [*] New item (Apiary) - Honeycomb. [*] New items (Food) - Mushroom Soup, Porridge with Berries, Porridge with Apple, Scrambled Egg, Scrambled Egg with Mushroom, Vegetable Soup, Wheat Rolls, Pear Tart, Plum Tart, Poppy Seed Pie, Cherry Pie. [*] New Extraction talent - Master of Destruction. [*] New Farming talent - Skilled Farmer. [*] New Farming talent - Skilled Orchardman. [*] New Farming talent - Carrot and Stick. [*] New Hunting talent - Steady Hand. [*] New Survival talent - Headstrong. [*] New Survival talent - Insensitive. [*] New Diplomacy talent - Empathy. [*] Custom saves names. [*] New animations for the player and NPCs for pottery, brewing, woodworking, wine, and juice crafting. [*] New animation for NPC to pick fruits from the trees. [*] A screen effect for alcoholic intoxication. [*] A snow effect on fences and bridges. [*] When field workers are harvesting or collecting crops, they check whether the storages are full. [*] Icons for professions in NPC assignment. [*] A Memorial Tree on the map. [*] New spots with crashed or abandoned carts with loot. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ce731c2491c0f2391442fc4636b5f8dca5f13368.png[/img] [List] [*] Sometimes Field Workers are working after 6pm. [*] The Barn I has wrong ghost walls models. [*] Event takes all Buckets, not just their contents. [*] Matylda is mentioning sheep in dialogue (there are only goats there now). [*] Field Worker with invisible tool plows or sows the same spot repeatedly. [*] Bowls and Plates always show 100% condition when laying on the ground. [*] Wrong buttons visibility for managing animals in building details. [*] Seeds and Grains display Food value. [*] Last notification is cropped a bit. [*] Map centers every time the filter is changed. [*] Marking dead animals for sale. [*] Buying Fence schemes in fences menu results in pulling out a weapon/tool. [*] Negative heat and cold protection are not shown in the item description. [*] Trough fill level after loading a save is incorrect. [*] When item expires it returns all expired items with 100%, e.g., Soup returned Bowl with 100% condition even if it should be lower. [*] Expired Meat with Gravy returns Bowl instead of Plate. [*] During "Uniegost Story II" Jan did not have his dialogue after reloading the save. [*] If there was no King, he should appear now. [*] Lag when entering Save Game or Load Game menu. [*] Player's stamina still draining after mounting a horse, if the player sprinted when mounting a horse during a rest. [*] Spears can angle incorrectly when aimed at close target and missed it. [*] Player could use Bag on interactable objects and lose seeds because of it. [*] Water visually appearing in Bucket when the player cancelled Bucket filling animation. [*] Horse stopping when opening inventory or a map while on a horse. [*] Compass is working incorrectly when the player is on a horse - directions were showed depending on the horse's rotation instead of the players. [*] Objectives with hunting animals can be done in any order (for example in night hunt it can be done before reaching nighttime). [*] Food totals in storages included inedible items. [*] Milking gives Bucket of Milk with full condition instead of the current condition of the Bucket used for the process. [*] Prices of items that consists of container (e.g., Bucket of Milk, Potage in Wooden Bowl) are now calculated separately so that the Bucket of Milk with 10% freshness with 100% condition cannot be cheaper than an empty Bucket with 100% condition. [*] An issue that caused the camera to rotate incorrectly during camera reset when riding a horse. [*] Number of produced Feathers is incorrect (missing comma). [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/38afb1f8ffa8671aa495fac9087cbf3fd967f259.png[/img] [list] [*] Unreal Engine - version changed to 4.26 [*] Sticks, Logs, Stones, Clay, Straw, Broadleaf Plantain, St John's Wort & both types of Berries now can be sold again. Everything but Logs has a fractional price. [*] Throwing Stone now has a fractional price. [*] Daub price is lowered. [*] Torch and Simple Torch prices are lowered. [*] Notifications for adding and removing now stacks. [*] Food with freshness below 30% can now poison the character. [*] Statistics of armor item (heat/cold protection and additional weight) are now compared with currently equipped in item details in inventory. [*] Remembering all opened lists in management buildings and animals tab (during one playthrough). [*] Organizers for buildings management with types (like animals). [*] Organizers for buildings and animals displays count and amount of warning statuses. [*] Decreased the number of logs required to complete the "Woodcutter Challenge" quest. [*] Player can now equip mount items on mounts through the player's own inventory. [*] Placing of Fields and Orchards is done in a new smaller grid. (New size 0.5m x 0.5m, old size 2m x 2m, chunk size remains unchanged) [*] Pop ups for transferring or trading are unified so that there is only one in the middle. [*] Transfer, trade, drop sliders now blurs and covers what is beneath. [*] Field management details. [*] Amendments in heat and cold protection parameters in clothing. [*] Increased dialogue icons size. [*] Changed building filters in map to match categories from radial building menu. [*] Colors for buildings in management. [*] Changed the moment of red coloring for items condition. [*] French language. [*] Polish language. [*] Turkish language. [*] Czech language. [*] Hungarian language. [*] Italian language. [*] Spanish language. [*] Chinese language. [*] Russian language. [*] Ukrainian language. [*] Increased Chinese font size. [*] Bigger radial menus with information about additional crafted items and presented in more clear way. [*] Set Falibor from Borowo as a Craftsman, John from Hornica and Theobald from Lesnica as Blacksmiths. [*] Extended the animation duration of some NPC's works. [*] Icons for various crafting recipes. [*] Inputs for field management details. [*] Spacing in talents list. [*] Updated way of selecting technology slot for better visibility (no cropping and centering). [*] Selecting armor item in inventory highlights correct armor slot even if selected items are not equipped. [*] Out-of-equipment food spoils or turns into Rot instead of disappearing. [*] Redesigned poisoning system. [*] Attacking with Knife animations. [*] Food now spoils directly into Rot, and not the rotten item. [*] Ranged tools now sway during aiming. [*] Interaction time when filling Waterskin with water. [*] Interaction time when filling Buckets with water. [*] Blending for filling Waterskin animation. [*] Blending for filling Bucket animation. [*] Horse now slides a little bit before stopping when at high speed. [*] Horse is now slowed down when riding in the water. [*] Animals are now slowed down when walking in water. [*] Player can no longer rotate camera during mounting animation. [*] Talent "Strong as an Oak" now properly increases health instead of reducing incoming damage. [*] Removed gap between NPC slots and animal slots in building details. [*] Animal slots are smaller in height to match NPC slots in building details. [*] Increased building limits. [*] Filling Bucket no longer decreases Bucket's condition. [*] Female legs are no longer clipping through dresses and skirts. [*] Horse now has physics-based reins. (Still work in progress) [*] Increased capacity of Barn, Food and Resource Storages. [*] Doubled the productions speed of Iron. [*] Some technology progression values. [*] All skill progression points from items are reworked. [/list]