[h1]Changelog - Patch[/h1] [h2]Added[/h2] [list] [*] New parameter in the User Interface settings - Dynamic Inventory Avatar [/list] [h2]Fixed[/h2] [list] [*] Inhabitants consume items containing water too slowly [*] Setting locations of bandits in caves [*] When client leaves session, there is [name] in house this player was assigned that blocks reassignment after rejoining session [*] In some cases, NPCs that left/were thrown out of the village may still be visible in client's management [*] If confirm input is held in building's details while on other tab than overview or setting up production then it will open details of last selected NPC/Animal even though input is not shown at the bottom [*] Giving custom names to animals, buildings and fields doesn't work if it has been done by a client [*] A Client sometimes becoming stuck on initialization if he has high latency and packet losses [*] Wells becoming uninteractable due to empty reference when ending crafting animation [/list] [h2]Updated[/h2] [list] [*] Keys forbidden to use during keybinding (num lock, scroll lock, windows key, menu key, F5 and F9) [*] If a player is laying in bed on season skip, then that player wakes up in the same bed (so if you sleep without home in another player's house or in the starting Sedowin's infirmary, then you won't be teleported) [*] Failsafe logic in case player is outside the playable area of the map [/list] Kind Regards, Render Cube and Toplitz Teams https://store.steampowered.com/app/1129580/Medieval_Dynasty/