Hello everyone! We have a new build for the Public Stage adding a very cool and useful QoL feature: Drag and Drop! Test version on the Public Stage [h3]How to join the public staging?[/h3] Some of you probably have not done this before, so we have a small guide: [b]Prerequisite:[/b] You must have Medieval Dynasty in your library – obviously. [b]The procedure[/b] [list] [*]Open your game library. [*]Right Click on Medieval Dynasty there. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/8bc173d815d0b0d381841d13445c3de1d40b42b6.jpg[/img] [*]Open properties. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/248a195d609cae5f11facbaedcc7418ebb41af1b.jpg[/img] [*]Select the tab "BETAS".* [*]Enter this password below the dropdown in the field: MedievalStaging [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/c3ed25e14098e8e518f670587116014f67e095fa.jpg[/img] [list] [*]Press CHECK CODE [*]Use the drop down and select “release_build_staging”. This is the public stage. [*]Press Close [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/c55cded05f6b72de0122b5336bc0d38a09f7399f.jpg[/img] Steam should now download this version of the game. [b]IMPORTANT! PLEASE SAVE YOUR LIVE VERSION SAVES GAME BEFORE ACCESSING THE PUBLIC STAGING BUILD![/b] Just in case something goes awry! Saves can be found here: AppData > Local > Medieval_Dynasty > Saved > SaveGames *Steam labels all those builds as "betas” albeit they’re not betas, so do not be too confused! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ad5a520ff892afe53d94d369ed41191b6caac6ef.png[/img] [list] [*] Scarecrow as a new piece of decorative furniture [*] New dialogue sounds (together 4 new voice colors): including Farewell, First time greeting, Greeting, Vendor [*] Clicking in inventory on armor slot changes item selection to that item [*] Clicking in inventory on quick slot changes item selection to that item [*] Added "priority" parameter in consumption for "people needs UI" [*] Drag and drop in inventory from item to quick slot [*] Drag and drop to change item quick slot index from one to another [*] Drag and drop items on character portrait makes character equip it [*] Drag and drop items on mount portrait makes mount equip it [*] Drag and drop item on armor slot to equip it [*] Drag and drop items out of inventory to remove them from the inventory [*] Drag and drop items works with trading and transferring [*] Sorting in management "buildings" tab [*] Sorting in management "people" tab [*] Sorting for inhabitants and buildings in assignment UIs [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ce731c2491c0f2391442fc4636b5f8dca5f13368.png[/img] [list] [*] Achievement with interaction on a field larger than 6x6 [*] Several flying plants [*] Sometimes some NPCs don't go to work after loading the game [*] Sometimes some NPCs hang in the air after loading the game [*] Sometimes NPC may start working at the same workbench the player is working at [*] Clicking on "Free Up Workstation" and moving the NPC will block the workbench [*] Workers harvested incorrect amounts of grain when a sector of the field was partially scythed [*] Pressing space while crouching did not stop player from crouching [*] Horizontal sensitivity value no longer affects the turning speed of mount [*] Character stands perpendicular to the ground after dismounting on sloped terrain [*] Sometimes character appears far from mount and then move quickly near mount when dismounting [*] Possibility to open inventory while moving for interaction or performing interaction with animal [*] Camera FoV not resetting when getting on a mount while aiming [*] Camera moving too far back when looking up with head bobbing disabled [*] Interacting with cauldron in kitchen did not lighting up the grate [*] Simple sack interact animation [*] Crafting a waterskin with water at well adds another empty waterskin [*] Crafting wine from juice makes an extra empty wine bottle [*] No notification about removed items during crafting [*] Selection changing too fast if other input was held [*] Double colon in "New field" quest [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/38afb1f8ffa8671aa495fac9087cbf3fd967f259.png[/img] [list] [*] Rendering optimizations [*] Added Broadleaf Plantain to starting inventory [*] Before interacting with the furniture, the NPCs check that someone is not standing and blocking the furniture [*] Sowing animation now doesn't cancel after interacting with field chunk [*] Filling waterskin, bucket or lighting a campfire no longer consumes stamina [*] Reduced jittering of knees/legs for horse and donkey when standing still [*] Polish updated [*] German updated [*] Dutch updated [*] Swedish updated [/list] [h2]Update to v1.0.1.1.[/h2] [h3]Fixed[/h3] [list] [*] Disappearing buildings – updates [*] Rocks blocking caves – updates [*] When inventory is sorted by condition, removing a item of a set condition causes the next item with the same name to be selected, not the next item in the list [*] Crafted items have 100 hp instead of 100% hp - – updates [*] Pressing button for starting game 2 times in a row results in bugged background [*] Looking at the cauldron in the kitchen sometimes showed grate interaction instead [*] Mothers holding invisible infants [*] Changing tool while aiming with the bow would keep right hand in aiming state for short time [*] Washing in washtub consumed stamina [/list] [h3]Updated[/h3] [list] [*] Updated the way game counts selling stolen items towards achievement [*] Replaced waterskin with wine bottle in barrel crafting animations [/list]