[h2]Cock-a-doodle-doo! 🐔 [/h2] We have the winners of the Name This Chicken Contest 📣 [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/e3e56ba564c12e988cc5479d4cbf2c60e433b87b.png[/img] You have all done an [b]eggcelent job [/b]🥚 It was hard to choose from all the amazing submissions, but here are the 5 which cracked us up the most 👇 [list] [*] Eggmund Clucksworth by Casey [*] Chicky Mc Chickchick by Tim [*] Meggi by Lame [*] Meryl Cheep by Sarina [*] Mr. Morningscreamer by Roland [/list] If you are one of the lucky winners, expect an email from us with your prize early next week. Until the next contest! Kind Regards Teams at Render Cube & Toplitz Productions https://store.steampowered.com/app/1129580/Medieval_Dynasty/