Hello village elders! Brand new from the Public Stage comes our Fall Update for you! It contains many improvements and fixes and some new features. Have a look at the notes below to see what has changed. But as the saying goes, before the update is after the update, and that's why we'll be diligently pursuing two more major updates planned on the roadmap. What we are also looking forward to on this very day: Medieval Dynasty is also coming out on console today! Tell your console friends about it! Or gift them a copy for the next festive occasion! 😉 We hope you enjoy playing and we'll definitely catch up with you soon! The teams of Render Cube and Toplitz Productions [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ad5a520ff892afe53d94d369ed41191b6caac6ef.png[/img] [list] [*] Sounds of eating bread and soup. [*] Trees can now deal damage when falling - friendly NPCs are safe. [*] If the player falls from a certain height or gets hit by a tree he will get knocked out - if not, the fallen player will get up after 5 seconds. [*] Player can get knocked down from a mount if hit by a falling tree or if the mount dies with player on [*] Physics blending when the player is drunk above and beyond 80%. [*] Player can now trip over and fall while drunk above and beyond 80%. [*] Children improve their skills when changing into a toddler, child, or teenager. [*] When holding the interaction button this interaction is going into a loop now, as if player was clicking constantly. [*] Quick save button in game menu. [*] A lot of new ambient sounds for day and night birds. There are 40 different bird species, divided into meadow / forest biomes, seasons (there are different birds in winter) and hours (birds sing more in the morning and evening). [*] Ambient sounds for cave: music ambient, water drops, and rocks drops. [*] Smooth transitions of attenuation of environmental sounds like winds, rains or birds depending on the type or levels of building / cave / or being underwater. [*] Reverb of sounds depends on the type or levels of buildings. [*] Sounds of insects. There are 8 different insect species, divided into day / night and meadow / forest biomes. [*] New all sounds for moose. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/ce731c2491c0f2391442fc4636b5f8dca5f13368.png[/img] [list] [*] A rare possible crash occurring during the economy update. [*] Sometimes the bandits for the "I'm Vengeance" quest were not spawned. Affected saves should be fixed with this update. [*] "Wanted: One-legged, Ankle-Length, Wear Caps" quest can happen in summer and can't be completed. [*] The "The Master Angler" quest gives away too many coins. [*] The "Great Expectations of a Young Builder" quest has bugged text for a single goal. [*] The camera shakes when increasing building levels. [*] No highlighting of modules during Market Stall destruction. [*] Bandits sitting while in combat. [*] Bandits notifying others about player. [*] When the game was saved at 6 pm, the NPCs didn't finish their work after loading. [*] Position and behavior of Kestrel after loading a saved game. [*] Special NPC stands near Denica for many years if the player hasn't invited him to his village ("Lost" quest). [*] Player's wife stands somewhere and does nothing. [*] Possibility to get stuck at season skip when starting a trade at a certain moment. [*] Being able to open sleep context menu for campfires inside of buildings. [*] Predators not engaging player when attacked while chasing a prey. [*] In specific situations generic quests can block getting special side quests. [*] In some cases, quests can take away equipped items that are required for it. [*] Animals not engaging player when attacked. [*] In some cases, predators ignore player. [*] Bandits can turn their heads too far. [*] Characters not looking down properly. [*] Animal traps don't activate properly. [*] Abnormal NPC behavior after rapidly starting and ending a conversation. [*] Special NPC from the "Mother of Inventions" quest sometimes appears in the roof of the building. [*] The player should less likely being able to interact with stones or trees when picking up items. [*] Player character still covered in dirt after season skip. [*] Player being able to start dialog while NPC wakes up. [*] Incorrect display of heat and cold protection in clothes schemes in the technology window. [*] Incorrect condition values for building modules in the management list. [*] Waggoners changed clothes after a day [*] Some cases of characters sliding with work animation [*] Player could be launched into space when changing house module to stairs [*] Sitting, sleeping, or working characters could be moved [*] Pregnant woman without a partner is pregnant forever [*] When recruited NPCs go to a player's village, they stay at the same location after the season change [*] One case where the wife could speak to the player as if it were a stranger [*] NPCs looking rotation [*] NPCs moving too far when asked to move aside [*] Wrong visual style of scrollbox in knowledge [*] Icons in technology's scheme description is not updated correctly when clicked with mouse [*] In some languages some option buttons' texts are cropped [*] Visible inputs of rotation when putting up fences. [*] NPCs can't work in workbenches at high framerate. [*] Some cases of bandits not starting combat properly. [*] If an NPC gets attached a quest with a talk goal, and the NPC to talk with is removed after accepting, the quest is impossible to complete. [*] Mount getting stuck in walk animation after using the special animation (space) immediately after starting the movement. [*] Wrong rotation on mount when using very low/high mouse sensitivity. [*] "The stranger" not consuming fever medicine. [*] Completing "I am vengeance" adds the description at the end taken from Wolrad's part of the main story. [*] Player can no longer dismount while falling. [*] Player movement while drunk. [*] Some NPCs float above the bed after loading a saved game. [*] NPCs jittering while working, sitting, and standing up. [*] Pick up animation for certain tools. [*] While standing on the stairs when they’re removed, caused the player to fall under the terrain. [*] Flickering of felled trees in strong wind. [*] Long gaps in quest descriptions after loading a game and completing the objective. [*] Notifications without a count have a gap between icon and text. [*] Some quests lack the gap between description entries. [*] Incorrect map icon for production buildings. [*] Gap between icon and text for consuming and breaking an item. [*] If a quest's goal requires to hunt an animal, then every time an animal is hunted down the quest in HUD will get updated. [*] Sometimes chapter gets tracked twice in the HUD. [*] For quests items with a capacity it needed to be full to be given to a NPC. [*] Disappearing stairs. [*] Items rotating on their own in rotation mode on gamepads and at times with a mouse. [*] Projectiles now always deal full damage to birds. [*] Falling trees on occasion dealt damage later than they should. [*] Destroying the fence module doesn't restore the grass. [*] Possible fix of flying sleeping NPCs. [*] Possible fix for some cases of NPCs sitting improperly. [*] The player retuning back to the valley on steep terrain could cause him to end underground. [*] Pick up animation could disrupt itself when it shouldn't do that. [*] Pressing ESC when setting a custom name still saves the entered name instead of cancelling this action. [*] Crossbow and bow animation not terminating when interacting with workbenches. [*] If the player has stolen resources and decorates a house (for example the window shutters) in some cases this may result in resources going into negative values. [*] Overlapping of texts in some UI elements. [*] Player position could be incorrect at the start of crafting at workbenches. [*] Ragdoll momentum. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/38afb1f8ffa8671aa495fac9087cbf3fd967f259.png[/img] [list] [*] Finding the target bandit camp now persists throughout the "I'm Vengeance" quest to easily locate the bandit camp if player runs away from it. [*] Bandit combat behavior. [*] Movement speed reduction on steep terrain for characters and animals. [*] Horse and donkey animations while in water. [*] Bandits dodge behavior. [*] Bandits pathfinding when chasing. [*] Increased font size in some UI elements (quest descriptions, objectives, rewards, knowledge, quick slot). [*] Animation blending for various tools in third person. [*] Animation for special NPC from "Mother of Inventions" quest. [*] Optimized and smoothed characters rotation [*] Positions of HUD elements [*] Ammo is now visible in HUD in the same way as building hammer mode or chosen seed for bag [*] Dynasty Reputation now lowers when hitting animals from other villages instead of only on kill [*] Player character IK [*] Rendering optimisations. [*] Bandits are less likely to notice crouching player. [*] Tweaked campfire shadows and lighting. [*] Screen effect of poisoning. [*] Animation and behaviour of some quest NPCs. [*] Increase Dynasty Reputation if player kills bandit. [*] Trees are now more likely to fall in the opposite direction of player. [*] Improved mount feet placement on slopes and small obstacles. [*] The pinpoint in management map is now more accurate. [*] On loading a save file now if any quest item persists in the inventory that shouldn't no longer be there then the system will remove this item. [*] Workshop workers are sometimes unable to enter the building. [*] Optimized animals. [*] Optimized NPCs. [*] Numerous tweaks and improvements to the terrain. [*] Smoothed out NPC and animal rotation. [*] The player suffers less damage from falling a greater distance than before. [*] Tweaked fall damage. [*] Larger character parameter icons and texts in the inventory. [*] Larger icons in the map legend. [*] More schemes are visible in the technology window. [*] Increased readability of bright text in the HUD. [*] HUD is now hidden in the game menu. [*] Decreased schemes' prices for juices. [*] Increased schemes' prices for vases with flowers. [*] Reduced stamina consumption in inspector mode. [*] Animation for the heir in Heir Quests. [*] Skill setting for a newborn. [*] Blending from jumping to crouching in place. [*] Projectiles will now always attach to dead animal. [*] Optimized animals. [*] Increased readability of selected text in dialogues. [*] Bandit movement. [*] When interacting with chests in storages, a selected item’s detail will hint by color if it's the correct storage for that item. [*] Chinese font [*] Ukrainian font [*] Russian font [*] All languages updated. [/list]