Hello Village Leaders, With Medieval Dynasty now in its six month of Early Access, we thought it would be nice to give our Steam storefront a bit of a makeover. We wanted to refresh our Steam Store’s game screenshots, but seeing the screens that you, our community, have made, we had an idea. Perhaps you would like to take some official screenshots instead? And by doing so, win some prizes, gain glory, and be immortalised in Medieval Dynasty’s in-game credits! So with that in mind, we are starting our official Medieval Dynasty Community Screenshot Contest! The three best screenshots, according to our judges, will win one of three Amazon vouchers (1st place - 50 Euros, 2nd Place - 25 Euros, 3rd Place - 10 Euros). The ten best overall screenshots will have a chance to get on the Medieval Dynasty Steam and GOG and Epic storepages, and your name will be listed in Medieval Dynasty’s credits. The contest starts today and will last till the 8th of March 2021 (midnight CET). [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35668477/c3f43ed4275def2bce1624aee7218fea8fbb1738.png[/img] To take part, send us your screenshots which show one of following topics/themes: [list] [*] Building, [*] Riding, [*] Social Life, [*] Hunting/Wildlife, [*] Work, [*] World/Environment, [*] Animals in the village. [/list] The screenshots should be without HUD (press the “H” key to toggle the HUD) and in 4K resolution if possible, but HD is the minimum requirement. Once you are happy with what you have, email your or send a file link (use wetransfer for example) work to community*AT* toplitz-productions.com. You can send us as many screenshots as you like, however the maximum file size should not exceed 32 MB, in this case a file link becomes mandatory. Please use the lemma [b]"Medieval Dynasty screenshot contest"[/b] in the email subject, contrary subject titles are not taken into consideration. If you feel the need to express your inner medieval photographer then throw your hat in the ring! We will announce the winners on our Social Media channels and on Steam shortly after the contest ends. Take care and good luck! Your Toplitz Team [i]Contest rules: [list] [*] Sending in one or more screenshots serves as acceptance of terms and services for this contest. [*] There are no alternatives to these prizes. They are as stated and are non-transferable. The winner will be contacted via direct message/e-mail. [*] Any entry, which does not comply with the rules, may be deemed invalid at the sole discretion of TOPLITZ. [*] In order to participate participants must provide certain information on themselves. This personal information is collected and processed only for the purposes of organising, running and monitoring the campaign, as well as for carrying out publicity activities on it. The organising entity shall be considered the data controller for the database containing this personal information and provides for an appropriate data protection level. [*] Accepting files under reserve, especially if files exceed size limit. [*] Winners are subjectively selected by a Toplitz jury. [*] Only one file entrance per user but any number of screenshots, please use file link if the file exceeds the mentioned file size. [*] Property of creator. You made this screenshot. [*] Local regulations for the participation in contests apply. [*] All rights for the usage of all entrances are transferred to Toplitz Production without compensation and can be used on- and offline. [*] Winners may be mentioned with their names or aliases (if requested). [*] All decisions are final. [/list] [/i]