Update 1.0.5
Author: kay,
published 4 months ago,
Now up, a pass at tuning some of the early exploration Grey Planet levels and a few changes to how teleporters appear. We hope with some of these exploration changes the game will feel a little more rewarding for casual play. BUT, you still will have to eat some of your crops or foraged items sometimes to make it to checkpoints. We know... it's so hard to choose which ones!!!
Some of the QoL suggestions also made it in this round too, including.... the crew locator is now also available in the missions menu, a wardrobe in the salon to customize your captain after purchases, and recipes in the kitchen have a 'New Recipe' tag to show you which ones you have not prepared yet to make the "Culinary Genius" achievement easier to accomplish. Even more details on the update are list below per Space Alliance guidelines. (Bonus... the demo was updated, too!)
Huge thanks to all of you who are working on the wiki, helping new players with questions, and sharing your adventures with us. It means everything!
Onward Captain!
-Carbon & Kay
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[h3]LKG-v1.0.5 - Early-Game Adjustments, Exploration Tuning, and More.[/h3]
Steam Production Build ID: 14836442
Steam Demo Build ID: 14837359
Windows Version Number: 1.0.5
MacOS Version Number: 1.0.5
[*] Grey Planet Exploration: Adjusted early levels to make finding exploration teleporters a bit easier.
[*] Grey Planet Exploration: Reduced enemy spawn amount in early Grey Planet exploration.
[*] Grey Planet Exploration: Adjusted a few Grey Planet explorations levels to not be as large.
[*] Exploration Teleporters: Adjusted logic for all planet exploration teleporters to increase chances of appearing after threshold has passed and increases as level is explored. This reduces chances of bad luck runs.
[*] Enemy HP: Buzz Creeps reduced hp.
[*] Creep Item Drops: Slight increased chance of item drops from enemies.
[*] Backpack Upgrade: Adjusted cost of initial backpack upgrade.
[*] Salon Wardrobe: Added a Wardrobe to the Salon, for customizing your character on the spot.
[*] Uncooked Recipe: Added "New Recipe" indicator on each recipe that you have not actually cooked yet. This makes the "Culinary Genius" achievement clearer to accomplish.
[*] Crew Location Tracker: Added the crew location tracker next to the crew portrait in the Mission details menu.
[*] Explorers Club: Updated dialogue, and Sprout now gives you some space radishes to take with you when exploring.
[*] Explorers Club: Sprout now gives you reward credits for completing his mission.
[*] Healthy Living Email: Frances's email now gives an additional energy tonic.
Bug Fixes
[*] Steven's Exit Door: This doorway trigger was off center. Fixed.
[*] Date Invitations: Reduced store cost of date invitations. (This was actually a bug.)
[*] Saving Icon: Found a way to make saving anim shorter! And fixed a small visual glitch with icon.
[*] Inaccessible Microbes: Found and fixed a specific issue on the Recreation Deck where they would keep occurring previously. Fixed a few other random spots on ship as well.
[*] Grammar: Fixing typos, grammar, and dialogue preferences. Thank you again!