[h3]More Level Variation, New Enemy Support Class and Even More Quality of Life Changes![/h3] [h2]New Enemy Class[/h2] [list] [*] Added the Support enemy class! Supports have less health that typical melee enemies but more than typical ranged ones, and have abilities that passively latch onto the user’s squadmates, providing potent buffs that can only be removed once they flee from the fight. Three enemies have been turned into supports, and here they are now: [*] The Priest (First seen in “Hunter’s Path”) now heals all other non-boss enemies over time based on the recipient’s maximum health. [*] The Knight (First seen in “The Edge of the Jungle”) now reduces direct damage their allies take. [*] The Spectral Slasher (First seen in “Abandoned Castle”) now makes the nearest ally invulnerable to all attacks. [/list] [h2]Other Enemy Changes[/h2] [list] [*] The Knight’s windup and attack speed has been reduced to compensate for class change. [*] The follow-up critical location on enemies is now smaller and slightly more transparent. [*] The Specter boss’ splitting missile projectile is now larger and more noticeable. [*] Adjusted many enemy attack placements to be less awkwardly positioned. This affects Fire Mage, Serpent Monk, Warlock, Ghoul Thrower, Ghoul Keeper, Elemental Mage, and Crystal Golem. [*] Adjusted enemy shield triggers so they block more intuitively. [/list] [h2]Level Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Added variants to the non-boss levels of the first two worlds. Hopefully this experiment will add more deviation to your future runs! [*] “Powers” are now tutorialized upon the first shiny enemy spawning. [*] Barred portals (Those blocked by grates and portcullises) now form portals after they are bypassed for clarity. [*] Adjusted the weapons in Mara’s Shop so they’re back to the same level as each other. [*] Magic Orbs are now animated when on the ground in Mara’s Shop or throughout levels. [*] Seeds will no longer spawn in bushes that are too close to NPCs, items, or portal spawners. [/list] [h2]Weapons & Animal Abilities[/h2] [list] [*] Rat damage from Rat Swarm (As long as they aren’t doing Poison damage) and the Fox Curse damage threshold are now affected by the Hurricane relic. [/list] [h2]Movement & Physics[/h2] [list] [*] Koboo now bounces off bodies of water, and floats to the surface, rather than sinking to the bottom. He can still dive in by holding the down button. [*] Blowgun ammo will no longer get stuck in the floor tiles as it approaches Koboo. [*] Cargo is now visually properly layered behind enemies. [/list] [h2]Menus and GUI[/h2] [list] [*] Renamed rarities for Weapon Infusions and Flower Seeds. “Uncommon” is now “Rare”, and “Rare” is now “Legendary”. Also rearranged these rarities associated text effects. [*] Upgrades that the player acquires through exploration rooms are now explicitly called “Powers”. [*] Added a new menu to list the players acquired “Powers”. It can be accessed in the Equipment menu. [*] The Botany Encyclopedia can now be accessed from the player’s equipment menu. [*] Added a new Font called “Medieval Typeface” [/list] [h2]Visual Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Reduced some texture sizes to save memory. [*] If a room is cleared out during Koboo’s death animation (Usually by damage over time effects) the “Stage Cleared!” message will no longer show up, along with other end of level triggers like weapon drops. [*] Fixed a visual bug of discoloured textures in popups for acquired Powers. [*] Fixed glitchy defeat animations from final bosses due to last patch’s change. [/list] Enjoy all the new changes! :) - Simon and Jerome