[h2]Mechanical Weapon Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Weapon Infusions! Koboo’s weapons are now each labelled with the blessing of a randomly assigned animal, enhancing its power. Use Tiger-infused Daggers to ramp up to insane attack speeds, or Turtle-infused Thorns to exhaust the competition before they can reach you, or a Snake-infused Lightning Orb to precisely knock out vital targets in a single blow! [*] Three of these weapon infusions are unlocked by default, but, similarly to unlocking weapons, as you play runs, additional infusions will be unlocked. They come in sets of three, until you have all twelve by the same point the final weapon is unlocked. This is tied to your run data, so if you’ve played previous versions, many of these will likely already be unlocked. [*] Melee attacks now lunge Koboo forward slightly. [*] Critical damage is no longer doubled against recently parried enemies. [*] Upgrades that affect Critical Damage (Surgeon from Fae Daggers, Sniper from Throwing Leaves, Hunter from Boomerang, and Barbed from Thorns) are now multiplicative, to improve synergy and scaling with Weapon Infusions. [*] Fixed two completely different and very rare minor collision bugs. [*] Fixed a crash involving Magma Orb and environmental objects. [*] Fixed a collision bug where melee weapons would sometimes strike enemies in both directions. [/list] [h2]Individual Weapon Changes[/h2] [list] [*] New Magic Weapon! The Water Orb conjures a Storm Cloud above Koboo that summons raindrops. These can be pulled towards Koboo, allowing them to fire them from a range with proper timing and positioning or to amass and trail them for one big assault. This one’s tricky to get used to, but we hope to see what unexpected techniques you have for this wildly experimental weapon! [*] Leaf Axe’s Base Damage has been decreased by 6%, to 30 damage. Also, its Attack Speed has been reduced by 5%. [*] Throwing Leaves’ Attack Speed has been decreased by 4%. [*] Fae Daggers’ Base Damage has been increased by 17%, to 14 damage, and their Critical Damage has been increased by 33%, to 200% (x3 Damage on Crit). However, their Attack Speed has been reduced by 12%. [*] Magma Orb’s Base Damage has been reduced by 8%, to 22 damage. [*] Lightning Orb’s Attack Speed (how often it can be triggered) has been increased by 50%. [*] Thorns’ Critical Damage has been increased by 33%, to 100% (x2 Damage on Crit). [*] Thunder Orb has been renamed to Lightning Orb (Blame Jerome for this one ): or me for getting it wrong in the first place (._ . ‘) [*] Throwing Leaves will now only return and be pickupable after a second has passed (unless of course they trigger the Sniper upgrade’s returning feature). [*] Fixed a bug where Throwing Leaves and Thorns would slowly return to the player even while the game is paused. [/list] [h2]Weapon Upgrade Changes[/h2] [list] [*] All weapons now have a fourth upgrade path! Since speccing into more than one upgrade path is being encouraged, we wanted to make sure players didn’t feel their options were limited when insta-maxxing was cut-off, and create more diverse build options in the process. Hence, more upgrade options! Hope you enjoy them as much as we did! [*] The Throwing Leaves upgrade Barrage (once a placeholder given the Leaf rework, now a Lightning Orb exclusive) has been replaced with Volley (similar to the upgrade of the same name from Boomerang, but functions slightly differently). [*] The Fae Daggers upgrade Trickery has been completely reworked, it now instead deals increased base and critical damage when attacking enemies from behind. [*] The Dribble upgrade from Boomerang had its calculations reworked. It now better scales with various attack speeds to remain effective. Its description has also been reworded for clarity. [*] The Execute upgrade from Leaf Axe now increases base damage instead of critical damage, triggering on every hit. This damage will also be reduced by 5% to compensate. [*] The Toxicology upgrade from Throwing Leaves and Fae Daggers now has its critical poison damage modifier determined by current critical damage, instead of a base x3. [*] The Scorch upgrade from Leaf Axe and Magma Orb has its damage increased by +100%. Partly as a standard buff, partly to compensate for the new Weapon Infusions system. [*] The Surgeon upgrade from Fae Daggers has been buffed, now losing only one stack upon missing a critical hit instead of two. [*] The Surgeon upgrade has also had its numbers adjusted to account for the buff above and the change in how critical damage is calculated. [*] The effectiveness of the Barrage upgrade from Lightning Orb has been reduced by -20%. [*] Fixed a bug where the Hunter upgrade from Boomerang wasn’t properly being applied. [*] Very mild adjustments have been made to the Magma Orb’s Inferno upgrade’s damage modifiers to account for its slight damage nerf. [/list] [h2]Animal Abilities[/h2] [list] [*] Ability Upgrades! As the run progresses, you’ll get the chance to upgrade your animal ability as well. But this won’t be your boring linear damage increases! Each ability has four unique pathways that change their mechanics and playstyle to match your current build. [*] Added two new Animal Abilities: Tiger Adrenaline and Deer Pacify! [*] Dealing damage is now half as effective at charging animal abilities as before. [*] Damage over time effects (From the Toxicology, Scorching, and Draining weapon upgrades) now properly increase ability charge. [*] Fixed a minor bug with ability charges surpassing the cap by a minuscule amount. [*] Wolf Strike has its damage reduced by 25%. [*] Koboo can now move for the last 25% of the Turtle Shell animal ability’s duration (Now called Turtle Cower at base level), while still retaining immunity. [*] Blocking incoming projectiles with abilities like Turtle Cower will now deflect them, effectively destroying them. [*] Bunny Hop has its damage reduced by 29%. [*] The Bunny animal ability now has a passive effect, dealing slight damage every time Koboo jumps on an enemy (With a brief cooldown). [*] Fixed another bug with abilities occasionally surpassing their charge limit under certain circumstances… here’s hoping we’ve got them all this time! [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40654780/22c38af24e1000a6803485393a70f6f34430ecc1.jpg[/img] [h2]Level Changes[/h2] [list] [*] A new stage has been added after the first boss! It will progress similarly to what you’ve seen before, three standard stages then a boss fight, but the upgrade progression will be slightly different. [*] In Mara’s Shop, Koboo will instead pick two weapons among four randomized options. One will be melee, one will be ranged, one will be magic, and the last could be any of the above, even duplicates! [*] Koboo now gets a second animal ability after the third level, instead of a weapon upgrade. [*] Koboo will now have to acquire a second Level 1 Weapon Upgrade before unlocking Level 2 Weapon Upgrades. [*] Enemies in the earlier levels spawn slower. [*] Dropped Barrels deal twice as much damage as before. [*] Added a Droppable Barrel to Level 3. [*] Decreased enemy base health, but also increased enemy health scaling by level. [*] Stages will be introduced by title upon entering them, including the first one. Also includes a dramatic sound effect! [/list] [h2]Cool Visual Stuff[/h2] [list] [*] Added a cursor, with a standard form in menus and a reticle form in-game. [*] The following status effects will now be clearly displayed as icons above an enemy’s health bar: Burn, Poison, Conduit, Stun, Barrage, and Attack Speed Reduction. There are six additional statuses associated with new Weapon Infusions and Animal Ability Upgrades. See if you can spot them all! [*] Changed the main menu background. [*] Rebooted Koboo’s look! Hopefully looks a bit more mystical this way. [*] Reduced base screenshake by -20%. Screenshake will now scale to freeze frame effectiveness, meaning more minute effects will have much less screenshake. [*] Added a slashing visual effect to the Cavalry Knight boss’ X-shaped attack. [*] The lightning attack’s visual effect from Storm Mages and the Cavalry Knight boss triggers sooner for smoother and clearer output. [*] Koboo taking damage has a clearer, more dramatic effect. [*] The wolf Koboo receives animal abilities and upgrades from is now animated. [*] Added a black box under character interact prompts. [*] Fixed a bug where enemy crit spots would be animated even when the game is paused. [*] Melee weapons will no longer be hidden when throwing a ranged weapon. [*] Weapon Upgrade, Ability Upgrade, and Ability Acquisition cards will no longer jitter when the cursor is just beneath them. [*] Removed the “Lives” text from the Health GUI and updated the icon. PLEASE WORK THIS TIME [*] Reduced hit indicator effects when enemies are hit, and scaled them based on damage dealt. [*] Fixed tutorial text on rare occasions being much bigger than usual. [*] Reduced all freeze frame duration by 25%. [*] [/list] [h2]Enemy Changes[/h2] [list] [*] New levels mean new enemies! Six new ones have been added to give the later areas more variety, challenge, and complexity. This does not include the new boss guarding the second stage! [*] The duration of time in which enemies can be parried before attacking (when they have an exclamation mark) has been increased by +50%. [*] Shielded enemies will now have a shield bar that redirects a portion of damage taken into the shield if the target is attacked from the front. This should hopefully clear up this mechanic! [*] Fixed a bug involving boss phases progressing way too quickly. [*] The attack and windup speed of Storm mages has been nerfed by -33%. [*] Crossbow Hunters will no longer turn suddenly just before firing. [*] Enemies now die immediately upon defeating a boss instead of after an unnecessary delay. [*] Fixed a rare bug where enemies supposed to spawn would be unable to under specific circumstances, leaving the level impossible to complete. [/list] [h2]Setting Changes & Additions[/h2] [list] [*] All settings have been reset for all players. Apologies for the inconvenience, we have a new system to avoid these mass shifts in the future. Game Data and Key Bindings are saved separately, so they should remain the same. [*] Added Bloom, Shockwave, and CRT to the Visual Effects options. [*] “Recover 1 Life After Rooms, All Life After Bosses” is a new now-default setting for Life Resets in the Accessibility tab. [*] Koboo’s colour options are better curated. Check them out for yourself in the Colours tab! [*] “Down + Jump” is a new now-default setting for Downward Attack Trigger in the Gameplay tab. [*] When Downward Attack Trigger is set to “Down + Attack”, the secondary weapon button will now properly trigger slam attacks. [*] “Hold to Attack” is now a default setting in the Gameplay tab. [*] When changing settings, only relevant updates will be made, making regular setting changes much smoother. [*] Added a custom window for Windowed mode in the General settings. [/list] [h2]Miscellaneous[/h2] [list] [*] Added a ton of new music and ambience to levels, including unique boss themes! [*] Battle music will now start upon humans spawning and end once the last one is defeated. [*] General sound effect volume has been reduced by 30%. [*] Switching from mouse to keyboard or controller is now a lot smoother. No more mouse locking or accidental upgrades! This has been done in every menu except the Key Rebinding menu. [*] Fixed a bug with inputs not registering under freeze frames. This is now bypassed for certain inputs, including Ability Casts, Jumping, Dashing, and Weapon Attacks. [*] The story text appearing before the first run while being written will now skip the typewriter animation on ‘interact’ instead of skipping the text entirely. [*] Koboo can now wake up faster with more intuitive inputs than “Interact” (Movement Keys and Select). [*] Boss appearance cutscenes will no longer progress while the game is paused. [*] Switched instances of Canadian spelling conventions to American ones (Mainly usage of the word “Colour” to “Color”). [/list] Hope you enjoy! - Simon and Jerome