[h2]Weapon Changes[/h2] [list] [*] [b]Added two new weapons, one ranged and one magic. Check them out for yourself![/b] [*] The new ranged weapon will replace Thorns as a starter weapon. If you already have Thorns on a save file, you still will, and can acquire the new one in the Favor Shop at Level 1 for a low cost. If not, Thorns will appear in the Favor shop as a Level 6 Weapon. [*] The new magic weapon will replace the Water Orb’s spot at Favor Level 2 in the Favor Shop, Water Orb will be moved up to Favor Level 4. [*] The Bender upgrade from Water Orb has been replaced with a new one called Frostbite. Perhaps this upgrade can even be found elsewhere… [*] The Lizard Adaptation weapon infusion now also affects enemies with Frostbite or Frozen. [*] Rooms that drop more than one weapon will now never drop the same weapon multiple times. [*] The Duelist upgrade from Spear now only parries on crit, and its critical damage bonus now scales more evenly. [*] The Barbed upgrade from Thorns no longer can parry, but the base damage bonus is increased and its critical damage bonus now scales more evenly. [/list] [h2]Animal Abilities[/h2] [list] [*] Buffed Fox Curse’s health threshold by 20%. [*] Reworded Animal Ability and Relic descriptions to set 100% maximum charge to the default instead of 200% for clarity. [/list] [h2]Enemy Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Bunny Hop and Shadow Orb users rejoice! All ranged and non-fixed controller attacks are now actively aimed so they no longer snap to you, making enemies easier to outsmart with teleportation and fast movement. [*] Directional aiming attacks now aim significantly slower. [*] All these attacks above (except non-fixed controller attacks) now have predictive aiming, they’ll attempt to shoot where Koboo is going, rather than where he is. [*] Fixed an oversight that would make the Twin Golems significantly more difficult to defeat. [*] Altered many of the visuals involving the Twin Golem’s spike attack, and gave it a sound effect. The attack is also wider, longer, and faster. [*] Fixed some enemies spasming as they fall. [*] Enemies now finish their attacks while Koboo is dying. [/list] [h2]Story and NPCs[/h2] [list] [*] Story Elements now only progress through pressing select and can be skipped by holding interact. [*] NPC dialogue boxes now include the speaker’s name. [*] Moved up some NPCs and objects in the foreground of bonus rooms who Koboo would unnaturally overlap with the ground. [/list] [h2]Menu Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] The Inventory screen can now not be opened while you have an active popup. [*] Exiting the pause menu while you have a popup will no longer unpause the game. [*] Options in the pause menu now only get hovered from the left side of the screen. (Apologies to the unfortunate players who lost their progress!) [*] Holding select in the Favor Shop after a popup will no longer trigger until it is released. [*] Now in the General Settings menu, only changing Resolution or Fullscreen or selecting Center Window will update the window. [*] Opening or creating a save file no longer updates the window. [*] Opening the pause menu will now close your inventory automatically. [*] You can no longer open your pause or inventory menu while Koboo is dying. [*] Added some very important special thanks! <3 [/list] [h2]Miscellaneous Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed the tutorial achievement not triggering for many players. You should acquire it upon opening a save with the tutorial completed. [*] Controller Rumble will no longer trigger while the player is using keyboard controls. [*] Added a new “Dynamic” option in the mouse lock settings. It’s now the default for new players, and will be set for players with full mouse lock. Check it out for yourself in the General settings. [*] Changing difficulty preset will now change your current run’s lives just as it would when changing lives directly ever since the previous update. [*] Added better Steam Deck support on startup. [/list] I hope you enjoy the new weapons! - Simon and Jerome