[h2]Enemy Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Moving enemies now have much better AI, no longer floating or falling off platforms. [*] The Specter boss now fires their first two attacks from their wand. [*] Melee hitbox indicators are slightly bigger. (The actual hitboxes aren’t changing, just the visual) [*] Bosses now have their health set to their max threshold when they have reinforcements sent. (Essentially, damage over time effects and Conduit will no longer affect them while they’re invulnerable, and high damage attacks will not overflow their phase) [*] Fixed the Parry bug for Rowan’s sword attacks. [/list] [h2]Level Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Relics and Infusions now drop in fixed locations where they won’t overlap with weapons, portals, or characters. [*] Relics and Infusions also no longer disappear when you leave them or swap them out. [*] Added some walls where tiles mismatch. [*] Pushed the spawn trigger for the Specter boss fight further from the edge. [*] Fixed music playing at start of game before intro. [/list] [h2]Miscellaneous Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Changing Max Lives in the “Difficulty” settings now affects your current run’s lives immediately. [*] The Exit button in the main menu can now be reached on controller. (Our ploy to get you to keep playing has failed! ):< (just kidding <3) [*] Added pretty particles to Relic and Infusion pickups. [*] Fixed some typos, mainly that of the “Hermit” relic. [/list] Once again, let us know if you are experiencing any bugs or issues and we will work on a patch ASAP! Hope you are still enjoying Koboo! ːsteamhappyː - Simon and Jerome