You’ll encounter even more Meat Turrets as you play through Iron Meat’s demo! Check out what you can expect from these enemies! [h3][b]Mouth Turrets[/b][/h3] If you’ve gone through the Forest level, sure enough you’ll have encountered these turrets holed up within rocky walls! These sharp-toothed munchers will launch fireball projectiles toward you after locking your current position! [img][/img] [h3][b]Tower Turrets[/b][/h3] Also further on within the Forest level, you’ll come across a series of infected tower turrets that will shoot fiery projectiles onto the ground, which will cascade up and down before snuffing themselves out. Dodge the projectiles to get underneath these tower turrets to get a clear shot at taking them down! [img][/img] [img][/img] [h3][b]Train Ceiling Turrets[/b][/h3] As you proceed forward on top of the Train, you’ll find some of these turrets appearing from hidden panels! Unlike any of the turrets in Forest, these turrets will always launch fiery projectiles at a curved angle. Don’t hesitate to get low and destroy these turrets before continuing on! [img][/img] Look forward to even more! Be sure to follow Retroware’s publisher page to stay up-to-date on all our games, news, and more!