From the safety of the Earth Counter Invasion Force’s secret headquarters, game developer Ivan Suvorov opens up about some of the details on [i]Iron Meat[/i]! [u][b]1. What were some of your inspirations for making Iron Meat?[/b][/u] [b]Ivan:[/b] Obviously, Contra. But after I saw Super Cyborg, I decided to make the game. I thought, “I can make the same game.” And so I was inspired by a series of games, namely Contra, Metal Slug, and many other games that, to be honest, I can’t remember right now! [img][/img] [u][b]2. What were some of the most challenging elements in the game to program?[/b][/u] [b]Ivan:[/b] Physics, specifically the interaction with platforms, jumps, walls, etc. These were difficult to program. Game cutscenes also took a lot of time. The bosses themselves were also difficult, and, of course, gamepads. I really dislike them because there will always be some model that just doesn’t work in the game. [img][/img] [u][b]3. Do you have a favorite level?[/b][/u] [b]Ivan:[/b] Hmm, probably not. There are some levels that I like more than others, but overall there is no specific one that’s my favorite. [img][/img] [u][b]4. Do you have a favorite boss?[/b][/u] [b]Ivan:[/b] Hmmm…I started to list those that I really like and this consists of at least half of the bosses: specifically, the train, the truck, and three other bosses that I shouldn’t reveal just yet! [img][/img] That’s all we have this week! Check back soon for more updates, and play the new Iron Meat demo now!