It’s key to ensure every level in a game DOES NOT follow the same exact layout as another. Take a look at what went into this process! [h3][b]Inspiration from [i]Contra[/i][/b][/h3] [i]Iron Meat[/i] had several inspirations going into the fray of development, but it should be no question that the most notable of these is [i]Contra[/i]! We wanted to mirror the feel of its mechanics, along with making a single level dedicated to its “Jungle” stage! [b]"Jungle" from [i]Contra[/i]:[/b] [img][/img] [b]"Forest" from [i]Iron Meat[/i]:[/b] [img][/img] [h3][b]Ensuring Each Level Plays Differently[/b][/h3] One of the goals we strived for early on in development was ensuring each level in the game plays differently from each other. Players can expect no change in basic mechanics, but the layout of each level is intended to be unique. For instance, Ivan described the “Base” level to mirror the “style of the atmosphere” of the movie [i]Aliens[/i]. [img][/img] You can also expect there to be unique obstructions found on certain levels that you won’t find on others, so stay alert when running and gunning! [img][/img] [h3][b]This...Isn't My Final Form?[/b][/h3] [i]Iron Meat[/i] did not initially begin development with the themes it has now. You may not believe it, but the game used to NOT have ANY Meat monsters and backgrounds whatsoever! We thought about the idea of making the game–which obviously was not YET called "Iron Meat"–into a simple-run-and-gun shooter. Then…the idea of The Meat was born, and what was once a matter of steel, bullets, and brawn turned into the onset of crazy machinations of metal and flesh! The game’s journey could perhaps be summarized by the following iterations of the tank boss in the first level: [b]Early Build Version:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Updated Early Build Version:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Latest Design:[/b] [img][/img] Now, the tank boss has actually evolved into a different version once again, but we’ll save what that looks like for a later time! However, this is just one of many examples on how [i]Iron Meat[/i] has evolved from what it once was to what it is now (and will be!). We’re excited to share more with you as we move ahead with [i]Iron Meat[/i]'s development! Be sure to check back here for the next transmission! You can wishlist [i]Iron Meat[/i] and play the free demo available NOW!