Humanity’s arsenal isn’t limited to just guns of all types and rates-of-fire! Here’s a breakdown of two passive abilities that can be found throughout your crusade against The Meat invasion! [h3][b]Rapid Fire[/b][/h3] Denoted by a golden lightning bolt symbol, the Rapid Fire passive can appear from either floating ally drones, or from destructible objects. [img][/img] As its name suggests, the Rapid Fire passive will allow your player-character to increase their rate-of-fire for a limited amount of time. This is typically a godsend in most situations, as you are able to quickly dispatch more enemies than usual. [img][/img] Depending on the weapon you have equipped, utilizing this passive can yield promising results–enabling you to take down obstructions and mid-level enemies with ease. Use good judgment and make the most of Rapid Fire whenever you acquire it! [img][/img] [h3][b]Omni-Shot[/b][/h3] Denoted by a golden symbol of projectiles in a circle, the Omni-shot can also be found from ally drones or level objects. [img][/img] The Omni-Shot is a powerful passive that fires plasma bolts in eight directions from the center of the player-character’s sprite. This ability allows players to cover every direction as they move through a level. [img][/img] Using this passive can help ensure enemy mobs that appear behind you are dealt with easily. With Omni-Shot active, you can focus on the enemies directly in front of you, rather than turning around or maneuvering to take shots at enemies above or below you! [img][/img] We’re excited to share more as we continue along with Iron Meat’s development! Be sure to wishlist Iron Meat and play the free demo available NOW!