Hiding in the ground or in the walls are the MEAT TURRETS! Now, mind you, some of them may LOOK like normal turrets belonging to the Earth Counter Invasion Force, but you’ll find that appearances can be deceiving! Take a look at some of the Meat Turrets you can expect to encounter in Iron Meat’s demo! [h3]Wall Guys[/h3] No, they’re not just “hangin’ out”! They’re trying to kill you! You’ll find these turrets ingrained within rocky walls in the Forest area. Be sure to destroy them before they can cause trouble! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36596640/85079aa3c42727b181721f3dc913296bb1625ddb.gif[/img] [h3]In-Grounders[/h3] These turrets were taken over by Meat spores after they burrowed into the ground near ECIF bases. After coming into contact with the pipes, wiring, and other metals underground, the Meat spurs fastened themselves into in-ground turrets that will reveal themselves once an enemy draws near! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36596640/72998739d07867ee695a0b938792dec406e2ff3f.gif[/img] Be mindful, though. Dispatching these turrets will leave behind a lethal patch of active wiring in the ground, so be sure to jump over these as you move forward! [h3]Eyesticks[/h3] These Meat manifestations have evolved quickly into single eyeballs with elongated sockets. The eyeballs not only have sharp vision to easily locate their targets, but they can also emit spinning diamond-like projectiles, unlike any other turret types! You’ll find them constantly poking out to shoot projectiles at you, then retreat within their sockets–but you can still shoot at their eyes peeking out! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36596640/c761ceb8e26f741154f99ea7a3406c5ad6ca9eb4.png[/img] Check back here for even more updates as we continue along with development! Follow Retroware’s publisher page to stay up-to-date on all our games, news, and more! https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/retroware