[h2]INCOMING TRANSMISSION: PATCH NOTES #1[/h2] [b]Attention, soldiers! We've got the first round of patch notes here! [/b] [b][h3]Updates[/h3][/b] [list] [*]Added an "Additional Art" section to the credits listing other artists who contributed to some of the character sprites.[/list] [b][h3]Fixes[/h3][/b] [list] [*]Balanced the attack pattern values for certain phases during the final boss fight based on growing player feedback on its difficulty. [*]Fixed an issue where Sasha does not appear on the final level of the game after one player takes a 1UP from the other, which would cause a softlock. [*]Increased stick deadzone. [*]Fixed a visual bug causing a blue line to appear at the bottom of the screen on the game's demo version when using the retro filter. [*]Fixed an issue where in-game achievements were not being unlocked if the in-game language was set to Russian. [/list] We'll be keeping an eye out for even more feedback from players and will move to address any significant issues that may pop up! In the meantime, check back here for more updates, and don't forget to get consumed by the hordes of Meat monsters threatening the planet! MEAT! Be sure to follow Retroware's developer page to stay up-to-date on all our games, news, and more! https://store.steampowered.com/developer/retroware