Lead developer Ivan Suvorov gives his thoughts on Iron Meat following its launch last week! Take a look! [h3]1. So, here we are! Iron Meat's out in the wild! What has it been like seeing the game go from early development, to preparing for launch, and now to seeing people all over the world playing the game?[/h3] [b]Ivan[/b]: If we talk about the very beginning of development, then to be honest I hardly imagined what the release would look like at all. It was something very distant and hard to imagine. And I didn't really focus on it--I just worked on the game. It was certainly satisfying to finish the rather protracted development of the game. But I can't say that emotionally it was a milestone for me. Yes, purely by logic I understand that it is an important event, but my emotions don't seem to understand it yet (haha). Yes, it was very interesting to see how the players would welcome the game. As many people say in such cases, I guess I just haven't fully realized that the game is out yet. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36596640/8c5218429e7fe6986e7f4a004067c4cab32ec246.gif[/img] [h3]2. We have seen so much praise and love for the game already, but how has it been for you? What are some things you've noticed players saying who reached out? How about the press or any publications?[/h3] [b]Ivan[/b]: I was certainly hoping for good reviews, but the response has generally exceeded my expectations. Sometimes, I think the reviews are even too good to be true; it's just a game, and some players are happy as if I saved the world (haha). But of course it's very nice and adds to the enthusiasm. I would like to say thank you to everyone for such good reviews! Overall, besides the praise, players say they are hoping for new modes in the game and sequels. Many have their own ideas (often really interesting ones) for the game's story or enemy design. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36596640/5585368d2441a2f8c2a00c74ddb4bc073bcc04ca.gif[/img] [h3]3. As the lead developer, what do you think separates Iron Meat from other titles in the genre? Can you briefly describe your vision for how you wanted the game to be?[/h3] [b]Ivan[/b]: Well, I didn't really set out to bring anything new or stand out in any way. But what really makes the game stand out is the Meat-infested vehicles turned into monsters. It's not super original either, but it's a theme that really appeals to players. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36596640/8223dd773f00cc0ea3e598d3463c0322b3c8af80.gif[/img] I'm a fan of grimdark settings, and I don't really like bright and cheerful palettes in games. But at the same time, a balance is needed, so as not to turn a dark setting into a hopeless one. This goes for color palettes, as well as storytelling. I also tried as much as I could to show that the player is not the only one who saves the world. Other fighters also bravely fight alien infestation, as well as help the protagonist, and this greatly affects the perception of the world of the game--as I think this is sorely lacking in a lot of games of this genre. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36596640/44dcfd82151e325e7699a025efc60ac7a5e384eb.gif[/img] [h3]4. Was there anything you wish could have been included in the game's final version? If you could change or add one thing to what already exists in the game, what would it be?[/h3] [b]Ivan[/b]: In general, I'll be honest, the game lacks replayability. I would like to add new modes--a la Boss Rush, some "mutators" (like a Classic game mode without life restoration and level selection, playing with only one type of weapon, a time limit, etc., etc.). Also, the game needs a "Nightmare" difficulty--as some high-skill players have no challenge even on the game's highest difficulty. However, this requires a VERY careful balance to keep the game passable. A custom difficulty setting would be interesting, as well. It would also be interesting to implement player-loadable skin variants. The same goes for music--it seems to me that if a player can put the most appropriate (depending on their taste) track for a level. It would be very cool. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36596640/02e8d35da9b75b996858ec04dc175d0bdf6ef49c.gif[/img] [h3]5. Where do you see yourself going from this exciting game launch as a developer? What are some challenges you can recall during the development process and what have you learned to do differently with your work process?[/h3] [b]Ivan[/b]: I would certainly like to continue on my chosen path. It was interesting and productive! Of course, there was a lot of luck involved, but once you're lucky, you don't want to give up. The protracted development made me realize that I need to at least grow the team a little bit. When you do everything yourself, you do it exactly the way you want; you don't have to tell anyone how to do it right. But on the other hand, it VERY much stretches the development, so you have to compromise and delegate some of your work to someone else. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36596640/2563587695d2479fbed159e3adf7961818b301cd.gif[/img] [h3]6. Lastly! Any plans for a sequel? An Iron Meat 2, perhaps??[/h3] [b]Ivan[/b]: Oh, I've got a lot of plans. There's a sequel, a prequel, and games in a different genre based on the Iron Meat universe. At the moment, I consider the chances of sequels/prequels to be very high! The game has been very well-received by the players, so I'm not going to disappoint them by not having a sequel. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36596640/67765568cc0f42c6e3e1111c7c1882083a8d7dc8.gif[/img] ---- Iron Meat is available now! Play through 9 levels filled with gore and monsters threatening to consume Earth! Unlock over 30 skins and earn over 30 achievements, and grab a friend to join you with local 2-player couch co-op! Be sure to follow Retroware's developer page to stay up-to-date on all our games, news, and more! https://store.steampowered.com/developer/retroware