In hopes of contacting the rest of the Earth Counter Invasion Force of the Meat's assault on his Forest sector, Vadim attempts to climb the Meat-infested broadcasting Tower! In this level, you'll face monsters growing from within vents and infected humans running across walkways! [img][/img] As soon as you enter this level, you'll quickly get a sense of Tower's verticality. With turrets and enemies positioned on the left and right walls, you'll have to be extra careful as you make your ascent! [img][/img] You'll also see tons of Meat Chains slowly making their way through vents from one side to the other. Destroying these will allow you to continue on--and destroying a certain number of Meat Chains might even reward you with an achievement! Be wary around rotating turrets, since they can track your position and shoot projectiles as you get closer to them. Not to worry though--you'll find plenty of weapon upgrades and passive abilities to help you clean up the mess inside this Meat haven! [img][/img] In addition to the Meat Chains appearing from left to right, you'll also encounter malfunctioning plasma lasers that'll activate then deactivate after a set interval. Time your jumps right to avoid getting blasted by these, too! [img][/img] And arriving at the midpoint of the level, you'll face off against three Meat Bulbs--each in control of a unique security system! Avoid more plasma lasers, shoot at Meat spores appearing through vents, and evade red lasers coming down at you to proceed! Overcoming the three Meat Bulbs and continuing further up will get you to the top of the broadcasting tower, where you'll meet a certain mad scientist seeking to enhance his powers... [img][/img] Check back here for even more updates! Iron Meat is available now! Be sure to follow Retroware's developer page to stay up-to-date on all our games, news, and more!