As the global organization aimed at defending humanity from The Meat, the Earth Counter Invasion Force (ECIF) is always prepared against any extraterrestrial threat... UNTIL NOW. [img][/img] Comprised of the finest soldiers, technicians, and scientists from across the globe, the ECIF rallies its forces to stand against The Meat! [img][/img] As you wage war against the all-consuming MEAT, you'll find your fellow humans also engaged in combat with the minions of the interdimensional entity! [img][/img] You'll see ECIF soldiers fighting off The Meat at several points across your missions. Sometimes, they'll even throw you helpful weapon upgrades! At other times, you may even find the fallen bodies of deceased soldiers, or those consumed by The Meat. [img][/img] When facing off against such overwhelming odds, it's always good to know you've got your fellow humans fighting by your side! Unless, of course, they've already been taken over by The Meat, in which case...BLAST THEM! [img][/img] Check back here for even more updates! Be sure to follow Retroware's developer page to stay up-to-date on all our games, news, and more!