Beta 1 hotfix is here! All players will need to re-download the newest build of Ilysia on [url=]MagePortal[/url] under the downloads tab! It is recommended you remove the previous build files from your computer or if on Quest, uninstalling the APK file prior to installing the new one! For help with install, please see: [url=]Beta 1 Setup Guide[/url] HOTFIX 1 - Beta 1: - Spells are now castable with friends - "Return to Graveyard" button added to Codex->Settings - Quit Button now closes the app rather than returning to login scene - Pets unsummon themselves when their summoner leaves the game or zone - Pets now display their owners name - Mob movement speed increased slightly - Armor "class" restrictions removed (Weapons are still class restricted... for now) - Several performance improvements on the server - Shoulder Slot fixed - Staff Spell Origin fixed - Fixed POI for Honey paw kill quest - Fixed greyclaw titles - Increased loot chest respawn time - Fixed some mobs spawning inside of cave walls - Inventory Items no longer grow infinitely when hovering over them - Fixed tooltips for many items - Buffed Trogre/Bal' ramos - Fixed several mob issues across the world - Fixed Potion sell prices - Fixed several incorrect drop tables - Fixed NPC bubbles that were hindering movement - Frost spell debuff duration increased - Fire Arrow added for Hunter at level 2 - Casting spells that have yet to be trained will now result in a "Fizzle" - Fishing spots should have fish again Known Issues - Pets sometimes loose their display info (comes back after the pet damages an enemy) - Quest log - Cant abandon quests from Codex - Cooldowns for spells appear on nearby players wands. (only visual, not real cooldowns) - Blink sometimes doesn't teleport the player forward - Backpack may increase in size each time it gets pulled out