Greetings everyone, the time is finally here! Read up on when our Beta 1 will be going live, and what you can expect in this upcoming testing phase! [previewyoutube=s10GGfP42hg;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]MagePortal[/h3] We have good news! We managed to upgrade what we needed to without requiring you to recreate your accounts. However, users will still need to make new passwords for your existing accounts to comply with our new security requirements and encryption. Outside of this, the back end issues for MagePortal have been resolved, and we are now ready to dive into Beta 1! [h2]Beta 1 will begin on [b]July 28th, 2023[/b][/h2] This testing phase will run between the dates of [b]07/28 - 07/30[/b], followed shortly by Beta 2! Characters will not carry over from Alpha 2, so you will need to create a new character at start. Beta keys have been previously delivered to Pre-Kickstarter and Kickstarter backers as well as those who bought access after the end of our alpha 2 stage.. Those that do not have a key still have a chance to score one through our Discord, socials, and partnered streamers. If you’re not in our Discord yet, get in there! [h3]Beta 1 will have bugs.[/h3] As this is still a beta and the debut of the first fully server-authoritative MMORPG back-end for VR, there will be different bugs than in Alpha 2, but bugs nonetheless! We will continue to address them as they come up! You'll also notice the foundations of things that were not present in Alpha 2 and are more central to what you'd expect from an MMORPG: a party system, instanced dungeons, improved combat AI, and more concise class development and skills. Additionally, more classes will be added in future updates! [h3]Thank you! [/h3] The extra time we've taken to address issues and refine gameplay has allowed us to create something we believe you will truly enjoy. Thank you to our community for your patience and support, and we look forward to seeing you in our Beta 1!