Hey everyone! Beta 2 is now live! Read up on the full details below! This testing phase will run: Friday 8/18 - Wednesday 8/23 This is an extension from Beta 1 into Beta 2, focused on community feedback and continual polish of features! We heard through development feedback on how it would be difficult to balance Freeforge and decided to put structure around it with originally changing to starting classes in Beta 1. We’re actively listening to player feedback and are going back to the old system. It will take a few iterations to bring down the fences but we’re on it! Balance is still something we are greatly focused on. This is the first stage to the changed Freeforge system. [u][b]PATCH NOTES | Ilysia Beta 2[/b][/u] [list] [*] Beginning stages of Freeforge have been re-implemented, Items & weapons are no longer bound to a “class”. [*] Shields have been fixed and now block damage instead of just acting like a very wide, very weak sword. Hold trigger to block. While blocking, each time you are hit, the damage will be reduced and a heat charge will be consumed. Starting shields have 4 heat charges and recover at a rate of 1 heat charge every 10 seconds. [*] The codex for warrior skills has been updated with the activation sequences in the descriptions [*] We've captured the sneaky toka that has been stealing player's underwear. Tighty-whities have been restored to all! [*] Players backpack has a few extra things to start them on their way. [*] The many birds and crickets of the world now listen to the codex audio sliders. [*] The many bands, bards and quartets have been at work and filled the world with music. [*] Certain angry enemies realized they were being quite selfish with their loot and will now be more generous. [*] Mobs were tired of running all the way back to their spawn point after chasing players and decided to go on strike. We've renegotiated and mobs will properly chase players again after returning to their spawn point. [*] The compass now points north again. [*] Added a build number to the login scene. [*] Various Quality Of Life Improvements. [/list] [u][b]MagePortal & Key Activation[/b][/u] Your Beta 2 keys are posted to your [url=https://mageportal.com]MagePortal[/url] account under "Keys & Items". To redeem, copy and paste your 16 character key into the activation box and hit activate. Following this you will see it transferred to your "Activated Keys" on the same page. You are now ready for when servers go live and downloads are available. When servers do go live, you will be able to navigate to the downloads page that is listed on the right side drop down menu. For further instructions on how to download and install Ilysia, please follow this guide here: [url=https://mageportal.com/help/beta]Beta 2 Setup Guide[/url] All players will need to re-download the newest build of Ilysia on [url=https://mageportal.com]MagePortal[/url] under the downloads tab! It is recommended you remove the previous build files from your computer or if on Quest, uninstalling the APK file prior to installing the new one! [u][b]Bug Reporting[/b][/u] If you are finding any bugs during your adventures in Ilysia, please submit a bug report here: https://wkf.ms/45K335B ‎