New Job! New Particle Effects! Late Game Balance Updates!
Author: corfe83,
published 2 years ago,
[*] Randomization update -- now all enemy waves are better randomized. Fight against a better variety of enemy ship types!
[*] Now ranking up a job slightly increases the battle level required to prestige.
[*] Original: Add particle effects on ship movement and destruction! I hope to add these to remake as well later on. Disable these if you find performance has become slow.
[*] Make in-game changelog UI scrollable for large updates (like this one)! And number the update's bullet points, so it's easier to differentiate when scrolling.
[*] Now OCD mode middle button buys a single increment, rather than half of what you can afford.
[*] Fix bug with gradient-colored buttons not changing colors when they are intended to.
[*] Put page/scroll buttons on military tab so the UI properly supports more than 9 ship types.
[*] Fix issue where black bar on military tab appeared above the Dmg % text for flagship and mercenaries.
[*] Various other improvements to the miliitary tab to make it less clicky. Shift+click a + or - button to add or remove max, and add new 'Clear' and 'Dole Out' buttons to make it easy to spend land or switch ship preferences.
[*] Now refunding factories for a ship type no longer returns ALL resources spent, instead it returns 60%. You may need a better variety of ships to tackle the enemy than before, and will need to think carefully whether respecing your fleet composition is worth the metal and crystal sacrificed.
[*] Balance changes to avoid shield getting so incredibly OP and hull being so underwhelming late game. Also make Shield Damage Multiplier weaker against hull just as it is strong against shields.
[*] General rebalancing of certain units and prestige abilities.
[*] Parapets can now move, slowly.
[*] Fix bug where original game sometimes didn't let you scroll, especially during intense battles. Also better tolerate a broader range of finger / mouse movement speeds in scrolling (both faster and slower).
[*] Fix bug where mothership and mercenary damage bars on military tab could go above the resource view, and fix merc damage bar bug.
[*] Fix typo that said 'Shield Hull' instead of 'Shield Health'.
[*] Fix bugs showing extremely long time displays (falsely said storage was full when it was not).
[*] Modest performance improvements.
[*] Job select screen now offers users a hint of how to unlock more jobs.
[*] Alleviate max level of prestige abilities of sniper job to be consistent with other jobs.
[*] Start using embedded resources instead of separate files in preparation for iOS release.
[*] Remake: Fix bug where planets and other core things on main map screen wouldn't get drawn in some cases.
[*] Upgrade to golang v1.19.2
[*] Upgrade ebiten v2.4.10-prerelease, more bugfixes.