[list] [*]MANY PRESTIGE CHANGES. To close a loophole and begin allowing infinite prestige growth, Job points are now USE-IT-OR-LOSE-IT. Prestige abilities no longer require a certain battle level, and are mostly unlimited in nature (but each level increases cost). [*]Jobs now have their own mini-prestige called rank up, that reset all prestige abilities for that job, but you must do it to make additional prestige abilities for that job visible. [*]Refactor a TON of things to improve speed of the game. [*]Make the game a bit less grindy -- upgrading factories now improves your ship mark levels slightly-more-than-linearly. Also increase enemy difficulty post-level-11 to compensate [*]Improve resource rewards for beating levels, and base gold income for levels above level 10. Reduce prestige rewards according to prestige rebalance. [*]Make bottom row battle buttons no longer transparent, and also appear above items as they should. [*]Rename mothership to flagship, and increase its size. [*]Fix bug where tooltips sometimes would get stuck and display forever. [*]Fix bug related where resource drops sometimes didn't give any resources when close to the max storage amount for the resource being dropped. [*]Upgrade from Ebiten (golang game engine) v1.11 -> v1.12. [/list]