This is a significant structural fix intended to address the performance issues many users are seeing, particularly on windows. Assuming this resolves the performance issues, this should allow future patches to focus less on performance, and more on gameplay enhancements. [list] [*] Upgrade to golang v1.16.3. [*] Upgrade to ebiten engine latest version. [*] Major performance overhaul -- these fixes should especially benefit windows machines! [*] Factories with economic bonuses (such as cargo / miner factory) now get multiplied by the number of that ship type you have in your fleet. For example, if you have cargo factory providing a 10% gold bonus and have 3 cargo ships, you'll receive a 30% overall gold bonus. [*] On prestige screen, clarify that only %-based bonuses multiply together, not ALL bonuses as previously claimed. [*] Darken help screen background (on both color schemes) to make sure it's high contrast and always easy to read for new players. [*] Fix issue with the way numbers are rounded before display, that can make it incorrectly appear that you have enough to buy something. [*] Demo: Raise max battle level to 29 to allow unlocking other jobs, etc. [*] Steam: Support alt-tabbing properly in fullscreen mode. [/list]