[list] [*] Fix a terrible bug that can in rare cases cause the app to lose a save file! [*] Previously save file backups (of which we keep 20) were rotated with very simple logic, if it's been 30 seconds, rotate all save backups. This had the unfortunate side effect that during active play, only about the last 5 minutes are covered by save backups. Now the game has a much more intentional archive of your save, that keeps several recent backups, but also will preserve much older backups going back up to about a year. These save rotations are NOT exposed in the UI yet, but they will be in a future patch. [*] Now if the game tries to load a save file and it's corrupt, the game will rename it to a separate and unique 'corrupt' filename. This way if a save is ever corrupt, the exact state of what it was is preserved, and there is a small chance of future recovery by manually sending this on discord. These corrupt saves are not exposed in UI yet, but may be exposed in a future patch. [*] Tweaks to the way clickables behave when app is paused for a while (such as when switching apps on mobile). [*] Ease up on trade cost rampups. Now it's only 10x between each amount, instead of 100x, and the increase in gold you get from trading more of a resource is more noticeable as well to make it more tempting. [*] Tweaks to various insight and prestige abilities for balance. [*] Minor tweaks to the way pre- saves are handled. [*] Update to ebiten v2.5.2. [/list]