[list] [*] Update to ebiten v2.5.1 to fix a bug on MacOS. [*] Fix a bug with refunding prestige. [*] Tweak scroll locking to be more stable so that repeatedly clicking scroll lock and unlock won't scroll you at all. [*] Bullet speed upgrade now also slightly benefits damage, to make it more useful. [*] Stop showing a colored circle on battle tab for clickable resources when the clickable starts fading away, because it's annoying to go to battle tab and not be able to see it. [*] Boost the amount of resources inside clickable resource drops in general, so they feel more significant when you get one. [*] Show prior percent to push number when you click on the percent to push UI, so you can more easily see the difference you just made without remembering the old number. [*] Combat logic now tracks when there are enough bullets in flight toward a target to destroy it, and if there are, ships choose a new target accordingly. [*] Make trades give more gold (and some trades also cheaper in terms of resources traded in). [*] Make high battle levels scale more slowly in difficulty. [*] Make insights scale more cheaply so that the game gets easier, and insight becomes a more important resource early on. [*] Increase gold rewards in general so that gold is less of a limiting resource. [*] Make the item drop formula more generous about dropping nicer items. [*] Increase job point drop rate to make the prestige system less grindy. [*] Add new insight ability to lower enemy mark rate, that just costs circuits. [*] Buff bribe enemies prestige ability, and cheapen quad shot. [*] When viewing detailed ship stats (by clicking bars in lower left corner with a ship selected), now debuffs actually show the ability name that is taking effect, just like buffs do. [*] Fix an oops that was causing multi-shot, shot repel, stun, etc. to not trigger as expected. [*] Fix issue where military tab could show an ellipsis on black bars as if it was still loading, when it wasn't. [*] Fix UI bug with refund prestige abilities, where it wasn't updating the benefits UI. [*] Fix bug where right after prestiging, you could potentially push to a level as if you had your pre-prestige fleet still. [*] Improve stability of farm and % push numbers by using median instead of average, and fixing success rate to 100% when we are able to beat the level instead of letting chance of 1 or 2 failures lower number to 97%/98% like before. [/list]