Mysterious stranger (with a new puzzle) spotted in the factory!
Author: Sidequest Ninja,
published 8 months ago,
[b]Kickstarter Beta Update 12[/b]
A mysterious stranger in the factory, global records tracking, and Steam Workshop integration.
[b]Bugs fixed: 37[/b] (of which [b]1[/b] was reported by a player, thank you!)
[b]New Features[/b]
[*] A mysterious stranger has appeared in Dantar's factory, even in the Demo. His paperwork appears legitimate, but there's something very odd about him. Check out the new level to get a first look at what he's up to. There are some additional new levels in the Kickstarter Beta as well.
[*] A new screen has been added to tell you if you've set a new record for a level! You'll be able to see which categories you've set the record for - eventually this will tie into Steam achievements, but not yet. Note that you won't see the new screen for tutorial levels (which are now marked with an icon).
[*] The Steam Workshop integration is complete! It's disabled for now, and will only work in the full version of the game, but behind the scenes it's ready to go. You'll be able to upload a custom puzzle that you've exported and solved (you need to prove a level is solvable before uploading it). If you subscribe to a puzzle on Steam, it'll be automatically downloaded and appear in-game. You won't even need to restart Hexahedra!
[*] Workshop levels are fully integrated into the stats system, with their own histograms and friends leaderboards. They're not eligible for the New Record screen or achievements, however.
[b]Other Changes[/b]
[*] The tutorial for Level 3 (A Lick Of Paint) now points users to the colourblindness support available in the Options menu. The Options menu text has been tweaked in a few places to be clearer.
[*] The foundations of the achievements system have been laid, but there's more work to be done there.
[*] The Repeat Story icon now has its own custom animated icon, and a few other icons have been updated.
[*] Merging a cube with a payload into another cube no longer causes the payload to disappear.
[*] Burial payload names are now correct on the cube visualizations.
[*] Rewinding now works properly in the case where a Decorator stamps a new decoration on top of an old one.
[*] If you set a new record for a level, the histogram tooltip no longer shows the old record.
[*] Finding Octavius now makes the corresponding level available immediately.
[*] Completing an Octavius level no longer shows the "Demo Complete" dialogue when returning to the main menu.
[*] When running the factory when editing a custom puzzle the handles used to resize the factory are now hidden.
[*] When you first load a custom puzzle the device UI no longer shows Sourcers and Shippers available for sources/targets that don't exist.
[*] Fixed an error where pressing Puzzle Editor keyboard shortcuts would cause errors when playing normal levels.
[*] Completing a custom puzzle no longer shows a "Next Level" button on the stats screen.
[*] Fixed an error when updating the probabilities of cubes in a Random source and then attempting to run the factory in a custom puzzle.
[*] Fixed a case where attempting to edit the name of a custom puzzle could cause an error.
[*] Solutions to exported puzzles can now be deleted, and stats for exported puzzles now work correctly.
[*] Colourblindness support symbols no longer appear in a couple of places they shouldn't.
[*] Modal popups no longer trigger "button press" sound effects in response to keyboard input if the buttons are disabled.