[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40137800/7e7cada166885a29bdd8c626f17691b908477ea1.png[/img] The first version of the in-game Puzzle Editor is here, available in the Kickstarter Beta! The Puzzle Editor allows you to create a puzzle from scratch - you specify the size of the factory, what source cubes the player has access to and what target cubes they need to make, which devices they're allowed to use, and any locked, initial setup that they have to work with. This is very much an early-stage release. There's no tutorial yet, and it's not currently integrated with the Steam Workshop, but I'd love to see what you come up with and get your feedback on your experience with creating puzzles. What the editor [i]does[/i] have is Undo system support, which makes playing around with puzzle design much easier. The rest of the usual patch notes are below. The Demo version has also been updated with the bugfixes. [b]Bugs fixed: 12[/b] (of which [b]1[/b] was reported by a player, thank you!) [b]New Features[/b] [list] [*] In-Game Puzzle Editor! [/list] [b]Other Changes[/b] [list] [*] Using the Puzzle Editor will let you play around with the Payload Adder, which isn't quite 100% finished but mechanically is working fine. [*] Devices now have a minimum volume set, so that they can always be heard quietly, no matter how zoomed out you are. [/list] [b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] Big improvements to the way Laser lights are rendered, which fixes the problem of them not showing up in some cases, while also improving performance. [*] Tooltips in the main menu are now working again. [*] Fixed a couple of graphical issues with the Panel Storer and Payload Adder. [*] Fixed some minor issues with UI sound not playing, or playing when it shouldn't. [*] It's no longer possible to include characters in profile names that the game can't display. [*] Fixed some buttons on the main menu having slightly odd clickable areas. [*] Colourblind symbols no longer appear on the top of the device UI for non-colour-based devices if you turn the mode on from the Esc menu. [*] Fixed an issue with the Source tab cubes being visible when the tab is closed in some cases. [*] Pressing Enter at any point in a level no longer returns to the main menu. [/list]