Update for Infantry Beta
Author: Jimmy Arcade,
published 8 months ago,
This update adds the following...
1. "HERO" exterior for AH-1Z Viper & AH-1Z Viper CRS. The texture mapping has changed and now uses 3 different maps for the exterior texturing. You can find these maps in #GameDirectory#/Helicopter Gunship DEX_Data/StreamingAssets/Helicopter Skins/
The UV mapping has been totally redone so old custom textures will not work.
The mesh for the Viper has also been split into several sections ready for when I start looking at damage & destruction. This will allow bits of your helicopter to fall off etc.
2. AGM-122 homing behaviour has been updated so that it will home in on Radar sources that have locked on to you. This allows you to "bait" air defences into locking on to you so you can return fire with the Sidearm before retreating to cover.
In addition, when you launch the missile it will query your TSD for any Radar pings received within the last second and will home in on that source if it is within the missile engagement envelope. This allows you to fire a missile immediately after getting pinged and be pretty sure the missile will home in on that source.
3. When using the mouse to control the cyclic holding the "Hold for Cyclic Look" button now works correctly allowing you to look around with the mouse.
4. Removed the Su-25 support option for the moment.
This should be the final update before the SU-25 launch and I will probably swap the beta to a "Fixed Wing" beta or something similar.
This update will the be pushed out to the public branch as it contains some important updates and fixes.