1. Added in the new pilot images. There's a wide variety of different "pixel art" style images to choose from. Plus in the #GameInstallLocation#\Helicopter Gunship DEX_Data\StreamingAssets folder there is a PilotImageTemplate.PSD file which contains the templates and overlays to help you create your own pilot images. The PSD is supplied with a very basic license. "[i]You can use the imagery contained within it to produce and distribute your own "Pilot Packs" as long as they are for Helicopter Gunship D.E.X and are made freely available. You may NOT use the supplied images to produce commercial products.[/i]" 2. Added in the 1st Recon mission! 3. Tweaked the Rotate Camera axis code which means you may need to readjust your IHADSS movement speed in the Game Settings menu.