Update for Frontlines Beta
Author: Jimmy Arcade,
published 1 year ago,
1. Modified the way the Smart Boresight system works so that it has two modes "Scanning" and "Locked" which are shown on the targeting camera's display.
When in "Scanning" mode it will be looking for targets near the area under the centre of the HUD. Once it finds a target it will automatically lock on to the target allowing you to engage it. It will no longer switch to another target automatically. Instead, when you are ready for a new target, you can press the "Lock Target" button to put the Smart Boresight back into "Scanning" mode where it will search for targets again.
This places you directly in control of what is being targeted and prevents the system from jumping to a new target unintentionally such as during a missile launch!
It is worth noting that the Smart Boresight if using the centre of the HUD - not the nose of the helicopter or where the targeting pod is pointed. This allows you to use it with TrackIR (as an IHADSS replacement if you don't like the overlay) or the move camera controls so you can lock things up with Smart Boresight by rotating the view camera around!
I will be adding secondary mode that works using the targeting camera view point.
2. Fixed a bug where the targeting camera would sometimes end up pointing to the upper right of its gimbal limits. This was the targeting pod trying to lock up itself! It shouldn't happen any more.
3. Modified the flight model for the SA-349 as it felt very under powered and didn't seem to want to climb very well.
Unfortunately I didn't have time to build any mission to take advantage of the new spotting mechanic as I've been really busy managing other things such as missile models and portrait artists and I've no idea where this week went!!
So this weeks update feels a little on the light side but I will try to make it up next week ːsteamhappyː
BTW I should have good news on another flyable helicopter and the only clue I'm giving you is "Wyoming"!!