Welcome to the 1st update for the Enemy Helicopters Beta! This update adds in the AIM-92 Stinger which can be loaded on to most helicopters in preparation for when enemy helicopters become available. However, you can use your wingman for target practice if you wish. ːsteamdeadpanː The Stinger works as follows... 1. Switch to your Stingers and you will see the targeting circle appear on the HUD together with a diamond targeting box in the centre. The diamond box indicates the direction the Stingers seeker is currently facing. You will also hear the audiable IR seeker "growl". 2. When a suitable target enters the targeting circle the Stinger will lock-on automatically and slew its seeker on to the target. It will also automatically lock and slew your targeting camera so that it tracks the target. 3. When you hear the higher pitched tone and the seeker head is aligned with the target then the missile is ready to fire. The Stinger missile is similar to the Strela but carries a slightly larger warhead and has a much higher top speed. Maximum engagement range is currently around 8km. There will be a couple of different versions of the Stinger with older ones having a shorter lock-on range. The main difference between the Strela and the Stinger is that the Stinger has an impact fuse rather than a proximity fuse. This means the damage it does ends up being much more localised than the Strela's more "shotgun" approach. However, the Stinger does do more damage to the systems that it does hit. I'm hoping to have some enemy helicopters roaming around the mission areas in the next couple of days - even if they are unarmed transport Gazelles! Then you'll have something to shoot at ːsteamsunnyː