This is a quick screen shot of the Lynx 3 carrying a full troop load. [img][/img] As part of upcoming mission expansion one of the mission types I wanted to do was transporting troops around the map. This has always been tricky as finding models and animations for people was difficult - then I found Mixamo! For those that don't know it is a FREE (yes, even for commercial projects!) library of humanoid models and animations provided by Adobe. This is quite an important find as within a few clicks I had an animated "generic military guy" sitting in the back seats of the Lynx 3 helicopter. This obviously not only opens up a quick way of doing troop transport missions but also paves the way for troops being part of the battlefield. Depending on how fast I implement the new missions, I will also try adding troops on to the battlefield next to IFV/APC vehicles - especially as I already have the Stinger code working so it would only be a short jump to get troops to launch missiles making even the lowliest of APCs a potential Stinger/Igla carrying threat!