The Wingman Update
Author: Jimmy Arcade,
published 1 year ago,
This update brings all the new features and updates from the Wingman A.I. Beta into the public release branch and includes the following...
1. You can now take an A.I. controlled wingman with you on missions! Wingmen are certified to use all guided munitions including gun turrets but they are not yet qualified to use un-guided weapons so you will not be able to load these weapons on to their helicopter at the moment.
Your wingman's helicopter and weapon loadout also contributes to Deployment Point usage so you'll need to take that into consideration when planning your missions, choosing load-outs and selecting support units.
Your wingmen will also earn XP at the end of the mission so make sure you create some new pilots in the Sierra Hotel area to take advantage of this. However, bear in mind that [u]XP is divided by the total number of pilots[/u] so overall you may get less XP per pilot than before. Again, it is up to you to balance XP gain with mission firepower!
2. New "Command Menu" allows you to quickly control your wingman. You can read more about this feature here as well as about the limitations of your A.I. buddy....
The A.I. driving the Wingmen will be continually updated to add new abilities etc. At the moment they make "capable" companions when used correctly. However, they rely on your orders to perform effectively and they do not make many decisions autonomously.
They are designed to provide support rather than being able to complete a mission without your help.
1. View positions are no long reset when switching to a difference camera position. Instead there is now a dedicted button for resetting the view alternatively you can hold down the "Cycle View Positions" button until the view resets.
2. Time Acceleration! You can now toggle between 1x, 2x, 3x & 4x time acceleration by using the new "Time Acceleration +", "Time Acceleration -" and "Time Acceleration Reset" buttons.
For gamepad users you can hold "Modifier 1" & "Modifier2" and you'll the see the options displayed on your MFD for "TIME +", "TIME -" & "TIME x1".
It is recommended that you use the "Alt. Hold" autopilot set to a reasonable altitude (50m +) when using time acceleration for obvious reasons!
I have also applied a limiter to the cyclic and tail rotor controls so that the helicopters will remain controllable even when running at x4 normal speed!
3. The Pilot/Co-pilot drop downs now only contain 1 Default A.I. Pilot/Co-pilot. However, it can be assigned to multiple helicopters. This tidies up the drop down a little bit and means I no longer have to have lots of default pilots/co-pilots to cover every possible helicopter.
4. You can no longer assign your pilots/co-pilots to multiple helicopters at the same time.
5. Fixed a bug where when doing a BDA mission you would see "QuickKill" listed in the event logs during debriefing.
6. Optimised the starting base's meshes to be much much more performant!
7. Added a new option in the Game Settings menu that allows you to move the HUD MFD panels. This is really for those who are using none standard wide screens (i.e. not 16:9) and allows you to push the MFDs to the far corners (or anywhere in between).
Maximum position is perfect for ultrawides (32:9) while in the middle somewhere will be about right for 21:9 screens. Minimum positions is the default for 16:9
8. New "HERO" interior for the Kiowa Warrior. Currently I've had to disable the in-cockpit pilots for this helicopters as they clip through the dashboard a fair bit. They are still visible when in 3rd person view though.
9. Guard towers at bases can now be blown up. I will be adding some physics simulation so they actually collapse in a later update.
10. Engine damage should now cause smoke trail at 75% health and then a fire trail at 50% health.
11. Fixed a major bug in the SA-15 Gauntlet missile code which was causing a major slow down when the missile was launched on the Norway map.
12. Optimised all terrain tiles for both "Lush Desert" and "Norway" zones to minimise any stutter when the world origin resets.
13. Various new radio communications for your wingmen
14. All Hellfires now perform a realistic attack profile gaining altitude quickly in a more reliable manner.
15. Mission debriefing now takes into account which aircraft destroyed which target and with what weapon so targets hit by your wingman will now show up in the replay and will be added to the total mission score.
16. Added "skid physics" to all helicopters that have landing skids.
17. Modified the Gazelles engine power so that it can now take off at MTOW
18. Fixed an incorrect calculation in the Targeting Pods control system which would cause it to get incorrect angle data. This was the root of the targeting pod getting stuck in the top right corner occasionally (happened more often in IHADSS mode).
If you now exceed the gimbal limits in IHADSS mode then the turret will re-cover and re-align when your view returns to within its gimbal limits.
19. Flares have been updated to be orange/red colour instead of white.
20. Your starting base should now never be inside a Tor's engagement zone.
21. Fixed a bug which could cause radar icons to remain even after you've killed a unit.
22. Tweaked the Kiowa's handling to better reflect real world abilities. Basically more power!
23. Tweaked the Viper's handling to be better balanced in flight.
24. Added buttons to resize left and right MFDs independently from each other.
25. Apache cockpit texture has been A.I. upscaled to 4k which makes look a bit sharper.
26. Gaps in the Apache model have been filled
27. Implemented new storage system for assets so that they can be streamed in when needed reducing overall RAM usage.
28. Added new LOD levels for weapon racks
29. Added new LOD levels for pilot and co-pilot models
30. Optimised main rotor and tail rotor blur effects to be more performant.
31. All helicopters now have new LOD levels and thermal IR models.
32. Added new voice options for your pilots so you can select what they sound like on the radio.