This update adds the following... 1. M1A1 Tanks used in the spare parts transport mission are no longer marked as enemy units so allied units should no longer try to attack them. 2. Fixed UAV drone's radar icon so it is now the same as other aircraft and not just a single line 3. Updated the hover hold autopilot so that it is now working with the same controls as you without any other faked assistance. The autopilot will take a little longer to settle due to this so you should try to enter hover hold with as little velocity as possible. There will be some further stability improvements when I bring in a better calculation for induced drag at low speeds. This should fix any "dancing" that was occurring with either the Hind or Lynx. 4. Fixed an error in one of the cloud shaders. Don't think it was causing any issues but it's fixed now! 5. Fixed an incorrect calculation in the rotor disc's speed vs lift calculation. Lift generation due to forward velocity should now be more controllable via the collective as it is no longer being artificially clamped. 6. Fixed a bug with the mixed hellfire/dagr racks that when saved as part of a custom loadout would then load the DAGR pods in an empty state. This should retro-fix any current loadouts that use the mixed racks. 7. Re-aligned the DAGR rockets so that they fit in the pod correctly. 8. Updated the S-5 rockets model to be the correct size so that they correctly fit in the UB-32 pod. 9. Included some new the weapon rack logic so that it can now tell if it is outside the player bubble or not and adjusts the weapon fire mode accordingly. Shouldn't make any difference at the moment but mentioning it just incase anyone encounters issues with weapons not firing.