I'm pleased to announce the next flyable aircraft for Helicopter Gunship D.E.X. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42621381/160ba3a3583dfb5222c651872cdb9b9070fe029c.jpg[/img] As you can see it is a fairly radical departure from the other helicopters currently in the game but I thought it would provide a very different flight experience. It also allows me to test out the universal flight physics system which can now handle both helicopters, fixed wing aircraft and transitions between the two - that'll be important for both the upcoming Cheyenne and Osprey. It also gives a good demonstration of how Stealth Fighter D.E.X might perform with the current mission generator. The new aircraft will be available to fly in the "DetectionSystem" beta on the 1st of April! ːsteamfacepalmː